The Call

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The fight was well over by the time Mr. Clark pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex. It was around 1:30, and pitch black outside. The air was cool but for some reason I was sweating. It was absolutely silent in the car, but somehow deafening. The tension even though invisible was suffocating me. I don’t think I can take another second in this car with Lyle Clark. He was about to ask me if I wanted him to walk me up, and I was about to say no and book it for my house, when my phone rang. We both went tense.

It was an unknown number, but I knew who it was.

“What do you want?” I groaned answering the phone. “Look I did what you said! I came to your stupid fight, I get the point. What more do you want from me!” it was completely silent on the other end of the phone and I was beginning to second guess myself. “Ricky?”

“No.” his deep voice vibrated through my soul. “Who is this?” he doesn’t know. Think. Who does Ricky sleep with besides me, because I know I’m in that phone as booty call?

“Shit, that was ten times better then Alex.”

No, Alex is in the gang. She’s supposed to be my replacement.

“Do you sleep with be a lot of other people? People besides Alex and me?”

“I go to this one girl whenever I don’t feel like fighting with you. Stacie. Sweet chick, really clingy. Dumb bitch is going to get me in trouble. Chris already talked to her once.”

“Stacie,” I had to lie.

“Well Stacie, I take it you were Ricky’s distraction tonight. I can’t have that anymore. You’re getting in the way of my business. It seems that whenever I need him, he’s with you.”  I have to play the part or else he’ll know.

“But he’s my boyfriend.”

“I’m afraid your relationship ends tonight Stacie.”


“Goodbye.” I froze. I know Chris, he never says goodbye. He just hangs up the phone.

“Are you okay?” Mr. Clark asked, but his voice was just another noise in a sea of chaotic thoughts.

I think I just might have got a girl killed.   

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