I Love You...

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“You know the only reason I rushed into marrying Carla was to distract myself from the feelings I had for you.” I gasped and tilted my head to look at him. We were both lying on our bellies looking out at the city on the floor inside of the tree house. It was peaceful and…perfect. “The feelings I had for you were…growing and I couldn’t cope with them. I figured that if I just got married to Carla and got it over with I would get over it. But I couldn’t…you were always on my mind.” I smiled.

“I realized I was in love with you on your wedding day.” He looked over at me and frowned.

“I’m so sorry.” I laughed and shook my head.

“No, it’s…its okay. It hurt at first, but um…I got better. I got over it.”

“How did you find out? Was it when I kissed her,” I giggled. “Or maybe it was Johanna’s little speech.” I smiled at the memory.

“It was a really good speech. No it was…when I played your song with Tina on the piano.” He frowned. “The words kind of smacked me in the face. And the way you looked at her.” I sighed. “I went home, got drunk, and cried to Etta James.” He laughed.

“That song is kind of perfect for the occasion isn’t it?” I laughed.

“Yeah, it was.” He cleared his throat and rolled onto his back.

“When my sister was heavy into her addiction, I quite my basketball team to street fight for money. That’s how I know Blake’s boss, Chris and Tony.”

“That story was yours?” he nodded.

“I almost killed a guy.” He took a moment and stared at the ceiling. I didn’t say anything, he was having a moment and I didn’t want to disturb it. If he only knew half the things I’ve done. He wouldn’t love me anymore. “When I was 14 years old me and Blake found this tree and spent the entire summer building this tree house. This tree house really sucks.” I laughed.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“You’ve been dealing with a lot of secrecy and betrayal lately. I have a feeling that for most of your life people have lied to you and manipulated you. They’ve let you down. You have trust issues so you don’t let anyone in and you keep all the pain and hurting to yourself. Even if someone tries to save you, you won’t let them. You don’t want to add another name to the list of people who let you down. You have serious trust issues and baggage that probably needs another plane.” I frowned. “We’re going to be lying, and sneaking around a lot. It’s just until the year is over and I can find a new job at a different school. But through all of that…I want to be the one you can trust. I don’t want to keep secrets from you. I kept secrets from Carla but…that was different. I can’t keep secrets from you, I love you too much.” I felt amazing to hear that.

“You’re my knight in shining armor Lyle.” He smiled at me. I was tired of being locked up with all these monsters and dragons all alone in my big castle.

“I love you Riley.” he whispered, and I melted. I took a deep breath.

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