Merry Christmas

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“Riley get up, get up, get up, it’s Christmas!” Krisy was jumping up and down on my bed and I groaned.

“Five more minutes.”

“No Christmas is now!” she shouted, she wouldn’t stop jumping! Suddenly someone heavy started jumping on my bed.

“Yeah Riley it’s Christmas now!” fuck you Logan, I don’t do Christmas.

“Get up, get up, get up!” they shouted.

“Ugh fine just get out!” I yelled they both jumped off my bed and ran out. They slammed the door behind them and started giggling.

“What was that?” Lyle asked them on the other side of the door.

“We woke Riley up for Christmas.” Krisy giggled.

“Riley’s not a morning person.” Logan laughed.

“She turned into the hulk and roared at us!” Krisy said, and Lyle laughed.

“She roared at you?”

“Yeah,” Logan said. “She was like, ‘I hate all of you! Get out before I eat you up, Roar!’”

“SHUT UP!” I screamed pulled in pillow over my head. They laughed.

“See.” Logan snickered.

“Riley you have to get up, it’s Christmas. We’re going to need you to help us wake up Johanna.” Lyle called through the door.

“I don’t do Christmas, leave me alone.”


“No!” I pulled the covers over my head.

“Go get reinforcements.” Lyle mumbled. Then it was quiet, but it was short lived. It left like there were only five seconds of pure silence before my door was kicked open.


“Go away!”

“Fine, you asked for it. Agent are you ready?” I heard a little girl giggle and suddenly a small body was dropped on top of me and fingers were moving all over me. I was solid as a rock and tried my best to go back to sleep.

“Abort! Abort! It’s not working!” Krisy screamed.

“She’s not ticklish? Fall back!” Titan yelled, why can’t people just be quiet?

“We need something else!” Lyle laughed. “Logan go get the secret weapon.” I heard airplane noises and then more silence. If it only it could be this quiet forever. Then suddenly I felt hands wrap around my ankles.

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