8. Casualities

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“What do you want Ricky?” he grumbled as he separated his cocaine into neat little rows. I waited for him to snort his first line. He took a deep breath and smiled as he leaned back in his chair.

“I’m going to kill myself next Thursday.”


“What the hell happened to your hand?” Brandon asked as I walked into Lyle’s classroom. Lyle looked up from his computer and shot me a questioning glance.

“I punched a wall.” I muttered as I walked to my seat. Hannah bit her lip as I slid into my seat. I could feel her eyes staring at the back of my head. I sighed and turned in my seat so my back was against the wall and the side of my head was facing Hannah. I glanced down and saw a black bandana wrapped around her wrist. She hadn’t tied it tight enough; I grimaced when I caught a small glimpse of the red slit marks on her wrist.

“What happened to your hand?” she asked nodding towards my bandaged red knuckles.

“Punched a wall.” I mumbled. “What happened to your wrist?” she glared at me and pulled up the bandanna. “I never pined you for a cutter.” I muttered. She looked up at me with sad eyes.

“You were my only friend.” She whispered. I felt like a bitch. “I just wanted you to like me.” She croaked.

“I did like you.” That was the truth. I did like Hannah, in fact besides Ty she was the only person in this whole school I could stand. I generally enjoyed her company. I liked her, I really did. “You’re the only person in this school I talk to. I thought I made that pretty clear. You didn’t have to lie to keep my friendship, you already had it.” She looked down. She took a deep breath and swallowed.

“You can’t have my friendship back Riley.” She said looking at me with determination.

“I didn’t ask for it.” She huffed as she bit her quivering lip and looked out the window. Mr. Clark stood up and turned around in my chair to face forward. Everyone stopped talking as he stood up in front of the class.

“Congratulations class, we have official started the end of the year.” He smiled as he leaned up against the white bored. “Today marks the beginning of the end.” The class hooted and hollered. “To celebrate this great day I am going to give you guys your last and final assignment that will count as you’re final. Long story short, I’m giving you your final early so you don’t have to come to class that day!” the class celebrated some more. “Now I am a man of circles. I like to end things off where we started them. That’s why I love the Final Destination Movie Series.” He winked and a few girls blushed while a couple of guys chuckled. “Because of this your final project will be one that you’ve done already.” Every smiled. “It’ll be your first one. Remember when I told you guys to make two copies of the first essay I made you all write?” everyone nodded and muttered silently. He smiled and picked up the stack of paper on his desk. “This is why. I’m handing you guys back your first assignment. And I want you guys to read it over. Along with your rubric.” He said passing out the papers. Once he was done he stood back up in front of the class.

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