Red Truck

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While Aya and Alana are out doing god knows what Luca and I have decided to hang out with a few friends of his. There is Kent and Ari who brought her boyfriend Jasper with her. We never really hung out in high school but I did know them. I had no clue what they had planed until we meet up with Jasper who had three dirt bikes in the back of his truck Kent showing up on his own. Last time I rode one of these I was 16 years old. Six years ago... damn I'm old. Luca and I took two from the back of Jasper's truck while him and Ari got on one together. There aren't any dirt parks or paths we can ride on around here so we always stayed on the roads. It's not illegal or anything as long as we're going the speed limit obviously. But things never really turn out that way.

"Race you to Ridge Wood!" Kent shouted before he revels his engine taking off. Jasper, Ari, Luca, and I followed shortly after. Five minutes later I was doing 80 in a 40 at the front of the pack.

My eyes widened as a large red truck ran the red light pulling out right in front of me. I quickly break but I was still going way too fast. My heart was pounding against my rib cage and it felt like I was about to be sick as I froze staring wide eyed at the truck. Even with my life on the line my friends in possible danger I could only think about one thing.


A/N: ;-;.

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