Chapter 3

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"Oh my, the horror of it all." Chris shook his hands in front of his face in fake terror. But I just had to stick my tongue out at him. 

"There is one good thing about that." He said while everyone else laughed at us.

"What?" I needed to know because I sure as hell couldn't think of one at the moment.

"You could have guardians reassigned to you from other people and have them new guardians assigned. You could also have people thrown out of court and then ban them from ever returning."

"Truuue, but wouldn't you get upset with me if I threw Tasha out and ban her from returning?"

"Nope, not even one little bit. If I ever wanted to see her, which I won't. But if I did, I could always go to her. Let me ask you something Thorn,"

I nodded, "ok."

"Have I contacted her once since we left court?"

I knew that he hadn't so I told him so. "No."

"Then why in the hell would I care if you ban her from court?"

I knew he was right, so I just shrugged my shoulders at him.


"Fine. How many guardians would I have to have?" I sulked.

"Depends on how long of shifts you want them to pull." Mishka said.

"Not more than six hours, any more than that could be dangerous for them because they would be too tired to fight if the need arose. Plus, I want them all to have private lives."

"Well, that would mean four shifts, so ten guardians a shift that is forty, plus an extra ten for fill in's on days off and incase of injury."

"But that is an entire fleet!" I whined again.

"Yep." He grinned at me and I groaned back.

"Would I have to choose from the guardians at court?"

"No, you get the choice of all the guardians. Plus, you could always take a large portion, if you chose to, from our restored."

"Ok, how about this. You four, Alberta, Yuri, Emil, Celeste, Serena Morgan and..."

"Belikov." Baba said. (daddy)

I looked at him dumbfounded, "how in the hell, did you know I was going to say that?"

"I am your father kiz bebek, I know you." (baby girl)

"So not fair." I crossed my arms over my chest and everyone laughed at us. 

"It is not funny; I don't like being predictable."

"Thorn, you are the least predictable person that I have ever met, well other than your father that is." One of my father's guardians Pavel said, making everyone laugh again.

"Anywayyy," I rolled my eyes at Pavel making everyone laugh yet again. 

"The four of you, pick out the other forty from our people. Add eight to that, two each for Chris, Mia, Sonya and Adrian and when the baby is born she will need two as well so you better just make it ten. With them being our people I will know that I can trust them not only as my guardians but to also guard all of you as well. We may need others in the future to guard other people and spy on them for us, so please warn everyone just in case it comes to that. I don't want anyone forced into it, so make sure that you get volunteers first. Go ahead and add another dozen to spy for us. At least this way I won't be taking anyone else's guardians, except for the pretentious princess. And I will reassign her... Oh I got it, this will be perfect." I was getting excited. 

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