Chapter 2

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Yena's POV


"Oh oppa?" Sooyeon's angry face suddenly changed into a cute digusting face.

"Why did you bully her?" he asked.

"She.. she.."

"WHY?!?" he shouted.

"Oppa, why are you shouting at me?" she cried and left us alone.

I felt him approaching me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him.

"Hyungseob?" I asked.

"What's your name? Sorry, I often see you but I never know your name," he said.

"Yena," I said weakly.

My vision was starting to get blury. My head hurt so bad so I closed my eyes.

"Yena gwenchana? (Are you okay?)" he asked.

He lifted me up and carried me. I guess to the clinic. I heard him opening the door and he put me on the bed.

"What happen?" I heard the nurse asked.

"She got bullied and got kicked at her stomach," Hyungseob explained.

I opened my eyes and saw the nurse approaching me. She put oinment at my stomach, which made me flinched several times.

"Okay done. You may rest here until break time," she said.

"Thank you," I smiled.

She went back to her seat and continued her work. Hyungseob who's been looking at me all the time, finally approached me.

"You okay now?" he asked.

"Hm better," I nodded.

"Why are you getting bullied like that?" he asked, making a concern face.

"She's jealous because I talked to Jihoon," I rolled my eyes, remembering her face.

"Oohh.." he looked down.

"You seemed to be used to this situation," I said.

"Yea, Sooyeon always bully girls that are close or talk to Jihoon. Or you can say the four of us. She wants all of us. But I think now she only likes Jihoon," he frowned.

"So almost every girls in this school ever got bullied by her?" I asked.


"That's bad.. By the way, thank you for saving me just now," I smiled.

"No problem," he smiled back.

There is a moment of silence for a few minutes but I decided to ask him something, "Are you guys friends? I mean the four of you."

"No, I'm only close with Euiwoong. And Jihoon only with Jinyoung," he said.

"Oohh," I nodded my head.

"Okay I need to go now. Rest well," he walked to the door and closed it.

Hyungseob's POV

I went out of the clinic and searched for Euiwoong. For about 10 minutes I searched for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

I gave up and went to the toilet to wash my face. When I opened the door, I saw Euiwoong there, sitting in front of the toilet cubicle.

He was looking down with his arms on his knees.

"Yah Euiwoong!" I called.

He kept quiet.


The Day He Falls in Love ~ Lee Euiwoong ✔Where stories live. Discover now