Chapter 17

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Yena's POV

"Wh--what? He matches me? What are you talking about?" I frowned.

"Yes he does. Wanna know his name?" he asked, his smirk never left his face.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Oh you're curious about him," he teased.

"Ah forget about it! I don't care anymore," I said and went to the table where Daehwi and Samuel were sitting.

Youngmin was about to tease me again when he realized Guanlin was standing near the door for this whole time. I could see his eyes widened.

"G--guanlin? Is that you?" he asked softly.

Guanlin nodded as he approached Youngmin. He immediately gave Youngmin a brotherly hug. After their long good hug, they went on another table and chat happily with each other.

"Youngmin-ah!" I called after being there for half an hour without anyone talking with me since Daehwi and Samuel were playing their video games, and Seonho busy eating.

He paused his conversation with Guanlin and asked if I needed something.

"No, just come here. I wanna talk to you," I said, gesturing him to sit beside me.

"I'm talking with Guanlin. Later okay?" he smiled and his focus went back on Guanlin.

"No please! I'm bored! Youngmin!" I called but he ignored me.

"Youngmin! Sunbae!" I shouted.

"Did you just call me sunbae?" he asked.

"Finally! If I call you sunbae, you'll never ignore me," I smirked.

"Just talk with Seonho first, I miss talking with Guanlin," he said.

I groaned as I dragged my feet towards Seonho's table.

"Yah give me some of your cake," I said.

"No," he said as he pulled the cake away from me.

"Just a bite?" I pleaded.



"No, Yena," he said as he stood up and moved to another table.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my seat where Daehwi and Samuel were sitting.

"It's my turn, it's my turn! You've been playing it for 3 times already!" Daehwi frowned, trying to get the phone from Samuel.

"Use your own phone!" Samuel said, pressing the play button.

"No I don't have the game! Give it to me!" he whined.

"I'm winning!" Samuel exclaimed as he ignored Daehwi.

Just then, Daehwi pressed something on the phone, making Samuel screamed so loud.

"NOOOO!! What did you do?!" he shouted.

Thankfully, no customers were here.

"I restart it," Daehwi calmly said.

"I almost break my record!" Samuel frowned.

"That's what you get when you don't want to lend your phone," Daehwi crossed his arms.

"Gosh! What am I even doing here? Watching these two quarelling, being ignored my best friends and also my stupid brother that didn't want to give me some of his cake!" I frowned as I stood up and stomped outside to get some fresh air.

The Day He Falls in Love ~ Lee Euiwoong ✔Where stories live. Discover now