Chapter 9

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(a/n. Thank you for 100+ votes!! 😙)

Yena's POV

"Yess it's Friday!!" I shouted as I stretched my hands.

The morning greeted me well. The chirping of the birds, the warm shining sun, all perfect. Except for the fact that Seonho kept on shouting in the bathroom.

"Seonho, what the hell? Can you stop shouting?!" I yelled from my room.

After he heard me, he even shouted louder on purpose, making me covered my ears. I just woke up but I was greeted by his shouts and yells.

My door flung opened, revealing the shouting Seonho.

"STOP!!" I shouted.

He stopped and grinned at me, "I'm not shouting, I'm singing."

"You're not singing at all, Seonho," I rolled my eyes.

"Then I'll sing now," he said, getting ready to sing.

"No, save your beautiful voice for your girlfriend later on," I said, getting up from my bed.

He smiled proudly, "Really? My voice is beautiful?"

"Yea of course," I went out and went straight to the bathroom.

(At school in the morning.)


"Oh Hyungseob?"

"Did you see Euiwoong?"

"Nope," I shook my head.

"Ah where did he go?" Hyungseob frowned, running his fingers through his hair.

I looked at him in confusion, "Why?"

"The school principal told me to call him right now, like as soon as possible," he said.

"Maybe he hasn't come to school yet. It's still pretty early," I tried to calm him down.

"He usually came early."

"Try to call him."

"Already, no reply," he said, looking at his phone.

"Well I can't do anything about that," I shrugged.

"I'll try to search for him again. Thanks though," he smiled and ran to the opposite direction.

I wonder where he is.

I went to the class and saw nobody except Jihoon, who was reading a book.

I sat on my usual spot and started to play with my phone. He seemed to notice me because he suddenly put away his book and looked at me.


I looked up from my phone, "What?"

He seemed to hesitate but he continued, "Do you like someone?"


"Do you ever?"


"Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent sure."

"FOR EXAMPLE, if I like you, how will you react?"

"What's wrong with you, Jihoon? Why are you asking me those questions?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just curious," he looked away.

"But answer me!" he frowned.

"Wait why are you forcing me to answer you? Seriously Jihoon, why are you so annoying?" I said.

The Day He Falls in Love ~ Lee Euiwoong ✔Where stories live. Discover now