Chapter 29

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Yena's POV

"Where are you going?" I asked Baejin who suddenly just stood up.

"Outside," he said, pointing the door with his thumb.

I raised an eyebrow, "Outside? For what?"

"I want to buy ice cream. You see, you don't have ice cream in your fridge," he replied.

"Oh right, Seonho ate it all," I frowned remembering my precious ice cream that has now gone but soon smiled at Baejin. "Okay then. Buy more ice cream, I want it too, thank you!"

"Me too! Buy for me too!" Jihoon requested happily.

He nodded and opened the door saying 'okay' before stepping outside.

There was a long moment of silence after Baejin went away. I couldn't stand this silence anymore so I called him, "Jihoon."

But he also called me at the same time, "Yena."

I widened my eyes a bit for a second and smiled, "You talk first." But again, Jihoon also said the same exact line at the exact time.

I burst into laughter and he burst into laugher too.

"Okay you talk first," I said, still laughing a bit.

He shook his head, "No, you first."

"You first."

"You should be first."

"Jihoon," I put on a poker face. "If you don't talk first, I won't talk to you anymore."

He widened his eyes and he seemed a bit shock, which I think was very cute, "Okay, I'll talk first!"

I smiled and victory, "Go ahead."

"Since it's only the two of us here, I want to ask something that I don't want anyone else to know," he started and I was listening to every word that came out of his mouth. "Do you.. ever, just once, like me? You know what I mean by 'like' right?"

I nodded, "I know. To be honest, when I first saw you, remember when you threw my bag to my face? I actually think that you're very cute, even until now. Then when you started to change, becoming a very nice person like how you are now, I got attracted to you, just a bit.. Maybe for a day? Or two?"

A smile was formed on his face, "Really? Then why didn't you tell me?"

I laughed, "For what, Jihoon? I got attracted to you, doesn't mean I have feelings for you."

"I know," he looked down for a few seconds before looking up again with a bright smile.

"Huh? What's with that sudden smile?" I asked, teasing him.

"I'm happy, that you and Euiwoong have the same feelings. I like seeing you two together," he smiled.

I narrowed my eyes, "Are you sure? You're not lying right?"

He seemed flustered, "N--no! I'm being honest!"

I laughed again, "I know, Jihoon, I know. I was just joking around."

"That's a relief then. So you don't have any feelings for me anymore right?" I asked.

He frowned, "Of course, I still have, and will always have."

My smile faded, "Jihoon, I told you, you're just going to make yourself suffer!"

He looked away, "It's my own choice, you don't have to tell me what to do. Just be happy with Euiwoong, that's all I want."

I was about to say something since I was still disagree with him when his phone rang. He took out his phone from his pocket and answered, "Yea. Okay. Yes, I will. Hm, bye."

The Day He Falls in Love ~ Lee Euiwoong ✔Where stories live. Discover now