Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Song: All I wanted- Paramore (I recommend listening to this as you read)

(Also please read the note at the end of the chapter)


The rain poured down as I walk towards the door. A light was dimly shining through the downpour, the light to his house. I approach the door, knocking twice, already knowing there would be no answer. I open the door, stepping inside, trying not to make the floor wet as I take off my jacket and shoes. Then I waited.

Michael was not home, and I wasn't sure how long I would actually be waiting. He had told me to make myself comfortable, not to worry because he would be there soon. The memories of the night when I slept in the this living room, with Luke on the right, had occupied my mind. I had only been here a few times, Michael likes my apartment more.

The night of having sex with Michael has seemed like so far away, yet it was just a few weeks ago. Everything had felt right in the moment, but did it feel right, now? No, it didn't. I regret giving myself up to Michael, a guy I barely knew. Something about it did not feel right, but I held my opinion to myself. I didn't want to spark his temper in that moment.

Recently, Michael had been more rough with me. No matter where we were or what we were doing, he would have an edge that I have never seen from him before. I was beginning to be a little scared of him, whenever his voice raise a little too high or his eyes flashed with anger. I didn't know weather or not this was a changed version of Michael, or the real Michael all along yet I was too naïve to realize; that is what scared me the most.

Sitting in his house, I grew tired, of waiting and of a long day. I drift to sleep without realizing. The moment I wake, I just know it was going to change from peaceful to hectic in minutes. I hear loud foot steps and a slamming door. The footsteps make their way to me, I get off the couch. I find Michael, soaking wet standing in front of me, his eyes burning.

"Hi Michael," I say, not knowing what else to do or say in that moment. He was still staring at me, giving me a look I haven't received before. Then he breaks out in a smile, a very viscous one, I hold back a shiver.

"Hi Andy. How are you today?" He says, making his way towards me. I take a step back, scared of what he might do. He smiles his fakest smile and shakes out his wet hair.

"I'm doing okay, what's wrong Michael? You don't seem okay."

His laughter makes me jump, its not a friendly laugh, it's a evil one. One I have never heard him use. "Okay? You think I'm okay?" His psycho manner turns into an anger one, he is mad about something.

"Obviously not, what's going on?" I say clueless to why he is acting this way.

"You are clueless aren't you? Haven't you checked your phone? Oh right you haven't. I would know because I called you 10 times within the last hour!" He shouts, I had no idea, I was sleeping. I was also waiting for him to show up, I waited at least and hour before I fell asleep and there were no messages on my phone.

"I fell asleep. I don't know what's going on, please just tell me what happened!" I make my voice a bit louder, so he can see my frustration too.

"What's going on was that, I had a flat tire, a mile away from here and had to walk because your lazy ass was too tired to come and get me!" He yells, making me inferior to him. I didn't know what to say, but I wasn't the only one he could call right?

"I'm really sorry that happened, but didn't you have other people to call? I was completely drained and I waited for at least an hour before I fell asleep." I say trying to have him understand, but he has none of it.

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