Walking to the shadows of the street, I, Ynabellia Rane Shineree called Yna for short, was passing from street to street seeing many kinds of people, either drunk or flirting teenagers.

I'm from my job which is a cashier in a grocery store, which is actually boring because my shift is from 3-9 pm, amazing, right? My customers were actually teenagers who is either buying liquor or protections, which I don't wanna sight because I know you know about it anyway.

I'm taking a short cut to go home earlier than I should because as the night gets darker, the streets and alleys here are not that safe for sure. We will never know what hides under those dark shadows, do we?

Anyway, I'm already 17 years old and an incoming college student if ever I can afford it. I live with my adopted parent, who is Isabella Darkenwoods, my mother who raised me when she found me in the woods somewhere out there. We never really talked about it much.

And now I am taking the last few turns when someone grabbed me by my shoulders. And as a reflex I hold his hand and twist it, well poor thing he is.

"Ouch!" I heard a familiar voice yet girl scream from whoever my victim is.

"Drake! You scared me half to death. What do you want? You could have just called my name at least."I felt relieved as I saw that it was actually friend and not some serial killer or mad scientist who would want to do experiments on my body. What? You can't mess with this type of imagination, you know.

He is my only friend here in the city of Pinecurve. Well this city is pretty big and full of young independent wanna bes, sortha. Some succeed, some didn't. Can't blame them though, you see, low salary will not afford you to even last a month here.

"Nothing." he answered with a shrug, damn those broad shoulders, I just want to... nevermind.

"Then why are you out here in the streets? Are you hunting again?" I said as I move my eyebrows up and down playfully. This friend of mine is actually a chickmagnet and no girls can resist him, except for me, well kinda.

"Hunting?" he said it like it's a foreign word he ever heard. What a slow poke we have here.

"You know, hunting, for Sloths out there." I said with a quote and unquote sign while continuing our disrupted walk.

"Sloths? Oh, I get it.You mean sluts like Chick hunting?" he said with a smirk in his lips. Those lips deserve a ki... Whatever.

"Why don't you just go to your uncle's farm, for sure there will be lots of chickens there." I said and later on I felt a hand slap my face playfully. It still hurt though.

"Idiot. Chicks which means hot girls. Oh and I think I spotted one already." he said while smiling creepily at me. Don't look at me like that, I'll jump you off like the others. Kidding. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Woah, I'm not that kind of girl who has low standards in boys, Drake." I said while looking in the empty road we were passing through. This road is so quiet, it has this creepy vibe that makes you want to activate your imagination.

"As if I was talking about you. Don't assume too much, missy. You're not hot." he said before he pinch my nose. Well I hate him for that, not just for the pinch but for telling me I was not hot either. How dare he?

"Then go find yourself a girl. Shoo!" I said while pretending to push him away, he just laugh at me as a response.

"Yna, you could have at least enjoy your senior years. You know, bar hopping everynight, having boyfriends and at least date me." he said while pointing himself. As if I would do the latter one.

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