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Months passed since I first set foot in this place but nothing really changed except the fact that I feel lonely now.

My mate or should I say soon to be ex-mate is keeping his distance from me eversince that day happened.

Well about being lonely, Ezra and Colton have to stay away from me for now. Because Ezra finds it hard to resist my sweet blood, saying those words gives me goose bumps..yikesss..

"Class dissmis" our teacher said and all started to get out of this classroom well because of the incoming weekend.

Today is friday afterall, since the insident happened I also tried to stay away from him, I even tried not to say his name.

I also changed my sections and so that I could do my mision.

Mision to remove this feeling inside of me, I know that if I continued being with him I will really fall deep and it hurts when no one catches you.

Well what can I do, I am weak afterall. That is why he does not want me.

Thinking of him rejecting me really does hurt.

I walked to my locker and put some unneeded books and notebooks there. When I am about to walk to the hallway I see Ezra walking with Colton so I wave my hand to them but they just change their way of direction.

Well they tried to explain that it is for my own safety, safety their face. I feel lonely and not safe because I feel that everytime I will be dragged in the corner and be bitten.

I continued walking with my head down.

Why does everything has to be this complicated, I wish I could go home.

"Hey!!" I bumped into someone that knocked me off my feet.

I feel the cold floor and the angry stare of the girl I just bumped.

"Do you even know who I am?" She asked while eyeing me, I think I saw her before but I can't really remember.

"Sorry..." I looked down and started to stand up.

"How dare you disrespect me!!" many of the people who are walking stopped and put their attention to us.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intended to that to you." I said while bowing several times but when I saw her hands with fire. Only thing that I think of is death.

Wait, I can't die. Arrow will die as well. Why am I even thinking of him anyway?

"Didn't you know that I am no one else but the next heir to the throne? I am Fayra Ashburn, the next Queen of Bloodstained Shallow and you... You're no one and you disrespected me!!" she said angrily. Am I really a magnet of trouble?

"I didn't really mean it." I said as a line of sweat started to form in my forehead.

She raised her hand and anytime will throw the fire at me. I just closed my eyes and wait until pain strikes but nothing happened.

I opened my eyes and saw someone I didn't expected would save me.

"Drey..." I whispered. He is holding this shield that stopped the fire.

"Don't even try to hurt her. You have to go through me first." He said and the shield started to enter his arms. Is it made out of his blood?

"What is this commotion all about?" I heard his cold voice again. Well no matter how hard I try this world is really small.

"My love! That girl just disrespected me!! She desserves to die!!" she said while clinging into his arms. I just looked down to avoid seeing the scene. They really look good together, both are strong and powerful.

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