It is already Saturday in the afternoon and all I done was to take some rest. Damn, this is boring. They let me go to school but Stacey or Jacob always accompanies me.

I also heard from Ezra and Colton's conversation that the man got tempted to my blood because it is one of the sweetest blood they ever smelled and add that the full moon is near.

But I didn't heard the last part because I don't wanna get caught.

So now we are preparing and all. I started to close all curtains and turned the lights out that can attract them because they will see it.

"Hey, Yna we have to go to the seniors so that I will not be tempted from your blood. I will have some drops of my beloved's blood that will be blessed there." Colton said while packing some stuff.

"Don't worry we will hurry. Take this." She gave me a small bone like knife. But I already have one from mom.

"That will not kill them but can put them into a long sleep. That is a sacred bone that is sharpened by one of the seniors." Colton explained and got up. So I won't kill them?  Why didn't I thought of that earlier?

"Take care, lock all the doors."She said and I watched them leaving in the window.

I locked all the doors and windows. I'm just holding the knife and a flashlight. It started to get dark but they are not yet back. Ezra please hurry.

I started to hear some strong wind passing all over the house. Even in the roof. I tried not to make any noise, even my breathing is controlled. I can feel my sweat that are forming on my forehead. Ezra, Colton, please hurry...

Ezra's POV

We are now on our way to go back after getting some of my blood are blessed. I hope Yna's fine.

"Hey don't worry. I know you're already attached to her though it is in a short period."He said while holding my hand with his left hand while the other is in the steering wheel.

"Yna is the only one that accepted me as a friend. Unlike other vamps that despise me."I whispered and I know he heard me.

"Don't worry, soon you will be the most beautiful vampire ever made."He take a hold on my hand and kissed it. I remember hating vampires for killing my family, but destiny can really be funny sometimes. We met each other because he almost lost his control on the full moon but when he bitten me, all changed.

The full moon reminds me of my saddest and happiest moment. I lost my family but I met Colton after I run into the woods.

He is the only one left. Last full moon we are officially mated. It is like getting married in the mortal world but I didn't really got there. Our family lived here eversince this place is build, my ancestors are one of the construction workers here long ago.

That's why I have old books that are copies of the original books. Unlike the revised version nowadays.

"I..." He didn't get to finish his sentence because a vamp is in the middle of the road. But that is not the reason I got terrified, because his eyes...

...they're Gray...

Yna's POV

It is already 9 pm but they are not yet back. I hope they are fine. I heard a loud bang in the kitchen that startled me, I stopped myself from shouting because whatever it is, for sure it can kill me.

I am here in the ground floor because I just finished my food. But now I need to leave it in the living room. I carefully ran to the stairs so that I can go to my room. But on my way I saw a floating man wearing a black cloak while smoke that are from his hands that are floating near him.

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