Sitting in a couch, while amazingly looking at the train, all I can say is. Expensive. That's it. He said it will be a long trip but I think I'm not really going elsewhere because all I see is lights and walls everytime it passes through.

Where does this thing going to take me? Is this the right train?

Or they will make me their food? While thinking about it, I got my phone from my bag and research about vampires.

Blood sucking demon.


Speed and strength.

Those are the words that I mostly read in the articles. Does that mean that mom's medicine is actually blood?

Thinking about it makes me wanted to throw up. But why are they hunting me down? What did they want from me? I'm just a simple girl who is adopted by a vampire princess.

Until this day I cannot really imagine that mom is a vampire and don't forget that she is a Princess. But why is she in the mortals' world? According to my research, they live in the woods where no one can see easily and when their thirsty for blood they just hunt for animal blood but when it is the time of the full moon they cannot stop to crave for human blood.

I should put that in mind, the full moon is on saturday. I hope I'll be safe.

When I'm about to put back my phone I found my book in my bag. I brought this book? Like are you kidding me? The book about Oniva still makes me confused.

The title is really hard to understand, the sunrise of love? What is the connection of it from the story?

Before I think again I should fill my stomach up. I walk towards a room which seems to be the kitchen and I saw the refrigerator.

I opened it and got shocked a bit, there are food and some red liquid in bags, and I don't wanna talk about it.

I got some frozen yogurt and water. I sat back to where I sat before. Then a thought of the driver hits me, is there even a driver of this thing or is it automated?

After eating I browse my phone but there is no more signal in this area, this means I'm really far from home.

The thought of home really hurts because there is where I lived for 10 years.

I wonder what happened to me in my first seven years here on earth?

Am I a daughter of a killer and then they tried to kill me as well?

Impossible. But my thoughts was stopped when I saw the window, I'm not alone. A guy wearing a hoodie is there in the back of the train where you can see some railings.

I walk to the door so that he could enter but remembering the thought that I was almost killed by a vampire made me  lock the door.

He just stood there without looking in my direction. Who is he?

I then opened the door, I don't feel threatened by his presence anyway.

"Why don't you come inside?" I asked but he didn't responded.

"Hey are you going to Bloodstained Shallow?" I asked, he just nodded his head.

"Why don't you join me inside? Are you new in that place like me?" I asked but he just nodded again, is he mute?

"I'll go inside and if you wanted to go inside you can." I said and go back to where I sat before.

I feel tiredness as it consumed me. Before I know it I'm already asleep.

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