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After the night where there was a big moon in the school, the weather starts from bad to awful. The fug is getting in the way of our eye sights but the classes are still on going. Funny, right?

Good thing of being a vampire I can see clear but being a human can be a disaster. I'm walking on the hallways of this school, many are turning their gazes at me but I just ignored them.

I wore our uniform but I put on a hoodie so that they will not notice my paler skin and no one can feel my cold skin as well.

I just walked while my head is hanging down, I don't wanted anyone's attention. But if I'm really lucky the classes will be suspended.

If only the rain will be more awful and thunder...

Before I can finish my sentence there's a loud bang outside the halls which echoes a lot, it does hurt my ears, you know.

Thunder and rain got pretty much awful, nice. Am I gonna fit as a news caster now?

I entered our room with silence, I even saw him sitting with the imposter mate of his.

I just walked to my seat which is in the back of his. I avoided any eye contact with him or any other students so that I can have a peaceful day.

I looked outside the window that is just at my side. I can see how a flash of light goes on and off with a loud thunder after it.

I can see how the rain falls on the ground, I can even see other humans running from their dormitory rooms to the main school building. This school is enormous but I can say it is lonely and isolated.

Many deaths are already reported but no justice are given at all especially when you are a human. They say that this school is a way of coexisting but why are vampires still dominant in here?

I was just caught out of my trance when I heard a static sound which came from the speaker in the side of the classroom then a female voice started to announce.

"All students are not aloud to go outside their classrooms, the teachers and other staff are having a meeting. Please remain on your seats and we will all tell something about what we had just talked about later." the announcer said.

Now, this is boring.

I opened my bag and got my phone, I remembered how technology is advanced back in Bloodstain but here the phones are still in a touch pad screen but has high qualities and uses nowadays.

I got my earphones out as well and just listened to some piano covers of some songs. I love to hear them because they can reflect to all emotions I have.

I looked outside and the rain continues, I wonder how does it feel when I run there, now that I'm a vampire. Will I still feel the coldness of water?

...Can you hear me?...

I heard Arrow's voice in my.head, does that mean that we still have the connection?

"Why are you staring at me?" The imposter said. I can sense something inside me, I feel angry with her. Well, who won't?

She's pretending to be me, she looks like me but I can say that something is up from her. She's pretty weird, I can smell and hear her heartbeat but I know she's not really a human.

"Nothing." He said, and as if on cue, he saw me staring at the two of them but I just looked down.

Classes ended earlier than I expected they even suggested that all of us must stay in our rooms. What seems to be the problem?

I was now walking in the field while rain is pouring right onto me but I could not care less.

I even stopped walking and feel every drop as it drops to my skin, ever since I turned, I never got sick. Not even any illness.

In Her EyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin