Chapter 37: Aces of Spades

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Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I ran my fingers through my hair for what seemed to be the millionth time since I started getting ready. It didn't even fall in my face however I suppose I was just really nervous. It's because technically this was my second date ever, in which Devyn would be there, but this was different.

I mean, when I went on that date with Belle. Sure, she was my crush at the time and I had heaps of fun. But those unrequited feelings for Belle has washed away slowly and in waltz the great, alleged bad girl herself – Devyn Foster. Like I don't get that give-away fluttery feeling whenever I see it's her name who texted. Like I don't count down the days until I can see her like an eager kid waiting for Christmas.

But then, there she was. And I'm lost in the idea of us. I think of her smile and I'm smiling to myself like an idiot all over again. It's all out of my control. Devyn's this boulder I can't push off. Plus, I'm not sure I'd really want to.

When I think about her, I'm struck with just how long it's been since I've had this feeling. When someone is so absurdly fascinating that you realize you could listen to them talk all day and never be bored. When someone is so intoxicating, you'd drink their poison even if it was going to be your demise. I can't stop. I can't stay away.

When I see Devyn, it's like the moment before the roller coaster drops. And honestly?

I never want this feeling to stop.

"Dammit." I muttered again as I took my black tie off  and gripped my hair once more. I know how to put on a tie. I was taught as a child, fixing my dad's ties before he'd leave for a business trip pertaining to his business. Why can't I suddenly put one on now?

I could hear someone tittering softly. It was none other than my best friend, Jared Wilshire. He was nodding in satisfaction at my outfit choice giving me a slight thumbs up. Angrily, I tossed the tie onto the carpeted bedroom floor. It was no use.

"Aw don't give up now sunshine." Jared teased standing up from my bed after seeing me fail miserably. "I don't have any clue as to why you're trying to dress all fancy knowing Devyn she'll wear something dark."

He had a point. And Devyn and I were only going to The View, a place in which Casper successfully found days ago after he'd gotten my message about asking Dev on a date. Me personally has never been to the view and quite frankly I wasn't ever planning on going. But, there is a first time for everything right?

The View was a sacred place where you drive up this steep cliff until you reach the top, you can see the entire city of Oakwood in all its glory. It's best to go around eight because the sun is slowly decreasing and the lights of the city are shining brightly. Google presented the view beautifully so once Casper told me of this place I instantly researched it. I also decided on cooking a full course, however, Casper came to pick it up earlier and he said he'll set everything up just before we arrive.

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