Chapter 3

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~~ Emma's POV~~
Corbyn says bye to the guys and starts walking so I say bye and follow. "Let's sit down and get to know each other" he says. I say okay and we sit down. "Before we start talking do you want anything to drink" he asks. "Yes please, can you get me a Dr. Pepper" I say shyly. He gets up to get us something so I take this time to text my bestfriend. 


E- Hey Sophia guess what!
S- What?!
E- Corbyn asked me to be the person he hangout with all day! I'm so freaking happy!!!
S- Yay I'm so happy for you!
E- I better get going he's coming back
S- Okay love text me later

Then Corbyn came back with my Dr. Pepper

~~Corbyn's POV~~
I walk to go get me and Emma a Dr. Pepper, when I start to walk back I see her looking down at her phone. I really like her, she's so different from other girls. She is kinda shy, she's gorgeous, and she isn't screaming all crazy because she's hangout with the "the one and only Corbyn" like most girls would.

I snap out of my thoughts and start a conversation with her. "So are you going to our show tonight" I ask. "No I couldn't buy a ticket to your show so I just bought one to meet you" She says quietly. "Dang it I really wish I had an extra ticket for you, I really want you to watch me perform" I say with a smirk. "I really want to watch you perform" She says with smile. Man she has such a nice smile. "You have a chance to win a ticket for the next time we come back" I say to her. "I'll look into it" She says.

I tell her I'll be right back, that I have to talk to some other fans really quick.

~~Emma's POV~~
Corbyn goes to talk to other fans. I really want to try and win a ticket, but for now I'm just happy I'm hanging out with him. He's such a nice and genuine guy. I'm glad I got picked by him, he's my favorite.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
As I'm talking to other fans and taking pictures all I can think about is Emma, and how I want to go back and talk to her. I look back and she looks so deep in thought, it's cute. I wonder what she is thinking about. It must be something good because she looks really happy. She seems like such a nice girl. I start to walk back to her. I smile at her and she smiles back. She has such a nice smile.

~~Emma's POV~~
Corbyn starts to walk back and he smiles at me so I smile back. Gosh he's so cute. He sits back down. "What's your favorite song by us" he asks. "My favorite is Nobody Gotta Know" I say. "Oh really, did you like the music video" he asks with a smirk. "Yes, you look adorable with them glasses" I say without thinking. I realize what I said and start to blush.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
"Yes, you look adorable with them glasses" She says. You could tell she didn't mean to say that out loud because she starts blushing immediately. "It's okay don't be shy" I say with a smile. She just smiles back. "I actually have the glasses with me" I say with a smirk. "Put them one please" She says in a shy cute voice. I put them on and she gets a huge grin on her face.

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