Chapter 13

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~~ Emma's POV~~
Corbyn opens the door for me and I walk in the movie theater. We get a large thing of popcorn and a large thing of Dr. Pepper to share. We go and find our seats.

The movie finally starts and I start eating some of the popcorn.

I'm so focused on the movie until I feel an arm rest on my shoulder. I look over and see Corbyn smirking I just smile and look back at the screen.

I rest my head on Corbyn's shoulder and continue to watch the movie.

I go to set my hand on the arm rest and I feel Corbyn's hand. He interlace our fingers and holds my hand. I don't look over at him I just stare straight ahead.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
I'm sitting here with the girl I really like watching a movie holding her hand with her head resting on my shoulder, I couldn't be happier.

After the movie we get in the Uber and we head to her house. Once we get her house I walk her up to her front door. "Do you want to come in and hangout with me and my brother Noah" She asks me. "Yeah sure that will be fun" I say. We walk into her house and she yells for her brother.

~~Noah's POV~~
I hear my sister yelling for me so I run down the stairs. I see the guy she went on a date with standing next to her. She gives me the be nice look so I will be. "Hey what's up dude my names Corbyn" he says and sticks out his hand and I shake his hand. "My names Noah I'm Emma's older brother" I say. "Why don't you guys play a game of NBA 2k17" Emma says. "Emma's really good at NBA but not better then me" Corbyn says and bumps into Emma with his shoulder, she chuckles. "She might not be better then you but I bet I am" I say with a smirk. "I'll accept the challenge" he says.

We sit down and start playing.

~~Emma's POV~~
I run upstairs to change into the shorts and shirt that Corbyn bought me as the guys play their game of NBA.

After I finish getting dressed I put my hair in a messy bun. After I finish my hair I run downstairs and see the scores pretty close but my brothers winning.

"Nice outfit when did you get it" my brother asks. "I got it today from Corbyn" I say with a smile.

All of a sudden my parents walk into the house. "HI mom, hi dad" I say and get up and hug them. "Hi honey, who's this" they asks pointing to Corbyn. "This is Corbyn he's the one I went on a date with" I say. "Oh yeah the one that asked you to go on the tour bus" my dad says. "Yep that's me, nice to meet you" Corbyn says and gives my mom a hug and shakes my dad hand. "Nice to meet you too" my mom says.

"Are you guys hungry" my mom asks. "No we already ate" I say. "Oh yeah so how did your date go" my mom asks. "Fantastic" me and Corbyn say at the same time. "He was such a gentleman" I say and look up at Cornyn with a smile. "Well that's good" my dad says and walks out and my mom follows. Corbyn sits down and continues his game.

I can tell my mom really likes him but my dad doesn't know how to feel about him. I think all dad's are like that.

The guys finish their game. Noah own but it was a close game. Corbyn lost by two points so it was a really good game.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
"Good game man it was really close " Noah says. "Yeah that's was a really good game, good job on winning man" I say.

"Do you want to go up to my room and watch a movie Corbyn" Emma asks me. "Yeah what movie" I say. "We will look for one on Netflix" She says. We walk upstairs and into her room. She closes the door and lays on her bed. She turns on the TV and taps the bed so I walk over and lay down next to her.

We picked a movie called Hush to watch. It's a movie about a deaf girl who is trying to escape a guy that is trying to kill her.

After we finish the movie we decide to go to bed. We set up my bed on the floor. She gives me blankets and pillows. I lay down and turn on my alarm. I have to wake up at 6:30 a.m. and have to get ready to go to the airport. I'm really going to miss Emma I love spending time with her.

We will continue to talk and maybe start dating soon. I start to doze off.

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