Chapter 26

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~~ Emma's POV~~
I just got off the phone with Sophia. She called me this morning all happy and excited from LA because Zach asked her out last night. They have been talking for about a month but not quite. I am not in LA with her I'm still home.

I walk into my brothers room to see what he's doing,he's playing video games. "Hey bro you want to do something later" I sit on his bed. "Nah, I can't I'm hanging out with Jessica today" he says still playing. "Of course you are, why did I even ask" I mumble and get up.

I walk downstairs and get a bowl of cereal and sit on my couch. My parents are gone at work. I see Noah walking down the stairs.

"You leaving bro" I look at him. "Yep I gotta go sis" he walk to me and gives me a hug. He walks out of the house and now I'm home alone.

I turn on netflix and put on some Riverdale.

My parents walk through the door and I look at the time, it's barley twelve what are they doing home. My mom looks very upset and sad.

"Mom what's wrong" I look at her.
"Wait until your brother gets here" She doesn't look at me and I'm starting to get really worried.

Five minutes later and Noah finally comes in. He joins us on the couch.

"Okay now can you tell me what's going on" I say getting annoyed.
"Okay so we got a call from your grandma" my dad looks at me.
"And what's going on" Noah looks at them.
"Your uncle is in the hospital and if fighting for his life" my mom looks at me and Noah.
"We are even lucky he's still fighting, he is a DNR" my dad looks at us.
"What does that even mean" Noah looks at my dad.
"If he stops breathing they can't do anything about it they have to let him go, unless grandma gives them the okay to put him on life support" dad explains.
"And if he doesn't get better they will have to pull the plug" Mom looks at us with sad eyes.
"No they can't do that" I yell and start to get tears in my eyes. Noah is trying to be strong for me. He pulls me into a hug and rubs my back trying to comfort me.

We have been waiting a couple hours to hear something from my grandma. I've just been thinking about my uncle the whole time. I can't lose him, I am his favorite and everyone knows it. He means everything to me.

All of a sudden my mom gets a phone call. She walks out of the room. I want to know what's going on, I can't handle not knowing.

She finally walks out with tears in her eyes.

"Grandma just called and said uncle stopped breathing and she gave them permission to put him on life support" My mom's voice breaks.
"And grandma is thinking about taking him off of it, she thinks it would be best"my mom continues.
"No, no she can't do that, he still has a chance" I yell. I start crying, I run up to my room.

My mom walks into my room.

"Honey even if it worked and he survived he wouldn't he the same" my mom sits on my bed.
"Mom we have to go tell him bye" my voice cracks.
"No honey it's to far and by the time we get there he'll be gone" She trys to calm me down.
"Well we have to do something, let's call and tell him bye" I say. She pulls out her phone and calls grandma.

My grandma answers and puts the phone to my uncles ear.

"H-hey uncle I'm going to m-miss y-you so much, I l-l-love you so much" I cry and my voice cracks. Noah walks in the room and I hand him the phone.

"Hey u-uncle bye I l-love you so so
m-much" his voice cracks but he holds his tears in. He listens to what my grandma says and starts crying and hangs up. I run to him and hug him.

"T-they are pulling the p-plug" he crying into my shoulder. I start to cry into his.

"Are you okay" my mom says crying.
"N-no I'm not mom" I cry. She rubs my back and Noah continues to hug me.

I go to my room and lock to door. I lay under the covers and continue to cry. My phone keeps going off. I check and see its Corbyn checking on me, I ignore it. I wonder who told him. My phone continues to go off and now it's Corbyn and Zach. I put my phone on silent. I really don't want to talk to anyone right now.

I'm just really hurt right now. I can't believe he's gone. I can't imagine how my grandma is feeling, he's all she had. They've had each other their whole lives. My grandma has never been one to cry, she holds all her emotions in so even if she wants to she probably won't. She tries to be strong for everyone.

All of a sudden I hear knocking on my door.

"Please go away, I want to be alone" I yell.
"Come on Emma open up" I hear Lucas voice come from the other side of the door. I get up and unlock my door and open it. Lucas immediately gives me a hug.

"It's going to be okay Emma, you'll get through this" he says.
"I know I will it's just hard" I cry into his shoulder.
"Who even told you" I look up at him and pull away .
"Your brother texted and told me I need to come over and explained why" Lucas looks at me.
"Well is anyone here for him" I ask.
"Yes Jessica is here trying to comfort him" he says.
"Okay good, thank you for coming over" I say.
"You're welcome, Sophia is worried about you" Lucas looks at me.
"I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to sleep" I sigh.
"Okay do you want me to leave" Lucas asks.
"No stay you can sleep on the floor if you want" I say.

I lay down some blankets for him to lay on. I lay down and plug some head phones into my phone and listen to music. I listen to see you again no rap version by Charlie Puth. A tear rolls down my cheek and I fall asleep.

Falling For Corbyn Besson Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora