Chapter 23

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~~ Emma's POV~~
Today me and Corbyn are going on a date. I don't really know what we are going to do but I'm really excited. I don't know if it's an all day thing or if I just have to be ready by tonight.

"Babe what time do I have to be ready by" I turn to him. "We will go to lunch and then we will come back here so you can get ready" he smiles.

I get dressed in some high-waisted shorts, in a black jersey type shirt that has Besson on the back with 1/5 and Why Dont We on the front, and some black and white Jordan's.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Corbyn.

"Awe babe you're wearing my shirt" he smiles and stands up. "Of course babe" I smile at him and give him a hug.

"Let's play a game of NBA before we go and eat lunch" Corbyn looks at me. "Okay it's on" I smirk. "You know I'm going to win" he smirks back.
"You might be better than her but you aren't better then me" Jonah smiles at Corbyn. "That's because you're like the best" Corbyn rolls his eyes.

We start playing.

It's the end of the fourth quarter with ten seconds on the clock. It all depends on this last shot if I win or lose. I run and do a lay up. There is now five seconds on the clock. Corbyn passes in the ball and the five seconds quickly began to count down. I hear the buzz sound and the game had ended, I won!

I look over and Corbyn is frowning. "Awe it's okay babe it's just a game" I hug him and attack his cheek with kisses. "Okay okay babe I'm not sad anymore" Corbyn laughs. "Let's go eat" I grab his hand and pull him outside.

We decide to go in his car for once. He opens the car door for me and I get in. He comes around to the other side and gets in.

He grabs my hand and holds the wheel with the other. "I'm sad you are going to be leaving" Corbyn looks over at me and then back to the road. "Me too I'm really going to miss waking up to you every morning" I look at him. "I'll go down and visit you in like a month or two" he looks back at me. "It's going to go by so slow" I frown.

We finally arrive at the restaurant. Corbyn gets out and opens the door for me, he holds out his hand and I kindly except it. We walk into the restaurant and sit down. "What can I get you guys to drink" the waitress asks. "A Dr. Pepper for the both of us" Corbyn says. She walks away to get our drinks.

We began to look at the menu. "What are you going to get" Corbyn looks at me. "I think I'm going to get some chili fries, what are you going to get" I look at him. "I'm just going to get a cheese burger with fries" he looks at me.

Our waitress brings our drinks to us. "Are you ready to order" She smiles at us.
"Yes I would like chili fries" I smile back.
"Would you like red or green chili" She asks.
"Green chili please" I say and start drinking my pop.
She looks at Corbyn.
"I would like a cheese burger with everything on it and fries" he says and she nods and walks away.

"So what are we doing tonight" I ask hoping he will give me an answer. "You don't worry about you just let me worry about that" he looks at me. Ugh I want to know. "Babeee please tell me" I frown. "No its a surprise I'm not telling you" he laughs and I throw him a dirty look.

Our food arrives and we start eating. It is really good. We finish our food and leave a tip. We go and pay for our food.

We head back home.

We get out of the car and walk inside.

"Babe let's take pictures in the backyard before you change" Corbyn says. "Okay let's go" I say and walk to the back yard.

We began to take pictures.

I kiss his cheek and he hugs me, we stay like this until Sophia takes the picture.

Falling For Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now