Chapter 21

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~~ Emma's POV~~
"Guys let's go eat I'm starving" Jack walks into the room. "Okay okay give us a minute dang" Sophia says trying to finish the game. "I agree with Jack let's go" I say getting up to go find Corbyn. I walk in the backyard and see him on his skateboard.

"Hey babe come on we are getting ready to go eat" I say and he stops riding. "Okay babe let's go" he walks over and grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers.

"Come on we are leaving now" Jonah yells as we walk in. "We're coming calm down" I laugh.

We walk out and see the Uber isn't a big car with enough space for us all so I'm going to have to sit on Corbyn's lap and Sophia is going to have to sit on someone's lap.

Corbyn gets in and I follow and sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist. Zach gets in and sits down next to Corbyn.

"You can sit on my lap if you want Sophia" Zach offers and starts blushing. "Yeah sure" She climbs in and sits on his lap. The rest of the guys follow.

We just arrived to the restaurant and there are all kinds of fans outside. "Sophia put on my jacket so they don't see you or try touching you" Zach says and hands her his hoodie. "Why doesn't Emma have to" She says as she puts on his jacket. "Because they already know she's dating me and they know her face" Corbyn explains.

We get out and fans are shouting stuff at me and Sophia and of course the boys.






We finally make it through the door and get seated. The waitress comes up to us.

"Are you guys ready for drinks" She asks.
"Yeah I would like a Coke" Zach says.
"Same here" Jonah speaks up.
"I would like a ice tea" Sophia says.
"I would also like an ice tea" Jack says.
"I would like a Root Beer" Daniel says.
"A Dr. Pepper for me" I say.
"A Dr. Pepper also" Corbyn says.
"Okay be right back" She says and winks and Corbyn.

I turn to Sophia. "Did she really just wink at him" I say to her. "Yes gurl yes she did, you better handle that because if you don't I will" She says. "I will if she continues" I say.

Corbyn grabs my hand because he sees I'm tense. "What's wrong baby" he whispers into my ear. "Nothing babe don't worry about it" I say back. "Is it because she winked at me, if that's why don't worry about it babe I'm all yours and that's not going to change" he kisses my hand.

She comes back with our drinks. She hands them out and saves Corbyn for last. She gives him his drink and then drops the straws. "Oops I'm so sorry guys" She says and bends over to pick them over with her back towards Corbyn.

"Can you not do that, like you can turn and not face your butt towards my boyfriend, thanks" I give her a sarcastic smile. "Oh I'm sorry but you don't have to be so rude" She says angrily. "No I think she does because you have been flirting with her boyfriend sense we sat down" Sophia says and I see Zach start to rub her back to try to calm her down. "We would like a new waiter" I say and she rolls her eyes and walks away.

A guy walks up to our table. "Are you guys ready to order" he asks.

"Yes I would like a steak burrito" I say.
"I would like steak fajitas" Sophia says.
"I want a smothered burrito with green chili" Corbyn says.
"I would like a cheese burger with everything on it" Zach smiles.
"I would like a smothered sopapilla" Jack says.
"I would like a cheese burger with everything on it as well" Daniel says.
"I want a smothered burrito with green chili too" Jonah says.

He writes down everything and walks away.

"Ugh I can't wait to eat I'm starving" Jack says. "Me too I can't wait for my steak burrito" I smile.

Well me and Corbyn wait for our food we take a couple pictures.

Our food finally arrives and we all start to eat.

We all just finished eating and it was really good. We pay and leave a tip. Sophia covers her face and we walk outside to out car with the screaming fans still here.

We finally make it back to the car. We all pile in. I sit on Corbyn's lap and he has his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and I see Zach has his arms wrapped around Sophia's waist.

I really hope they work out they are really cute together. I mean how cool would it be to have both of my best friends dating.

I wonder if he likes her like that or not. I'm going to talk to him alone and see what he says. I think she likes him but I'm not a hundred percent sure.

We just arrived back to the house. Everybody gets out and we go inside.

"Alright guys I'm going to bed" I tell everyone.
"Me too let's go baby" Corbyn says and wraps his arms around my waist and starts walking.
"Goodnight you two" Jack shouts.
"Goodnight Em can't wait for tomorrow" Zach says.

We walk into the bed room and we both change. I go into the bathroom and he changes in the room. After we are both changed we lay down.

"I'm sorry I can't really hangout with you tomorrow babe, I just some stuff to do with Logan" Corbyn looks at me. "It's okay babe I'm hanging out with Zach, Sophia, and Jack well you and the other guys go to Logans" I look back at him. "Okay goodnight sweet dreams" Corbyn kisses my cheek. "Goodnight Corbyn" I hug him.

I can't wait to hangout with Sophia, Jack, and Zach tomorrow. It should be really fun. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to Zach and Sophia tomorrow and see if they like each other.

I began to fall asleep in Corbyn's arms.

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