Chapter 18

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~~ Emma's POV~~
I run down to the beach and I lay my towel down. I take my shirt and shorts off and throw them on my towel. As soon as my clothes hit the towel I'm picked up. I look up and Corbyn is smiling down at me.

"What are you doing Corbyn" I look up at him. "Just going to go into the water" he smirks. "NO CORBYN I HAVE TO EASE MY WAY IN" I look at him and pout. "Not this time" he smiles and then throws me into the water. I gasp as the water hits my skin and I go under.

I come back up and splash Corbyn. "Now was that so hard" he smirks. I playfully roll my eyes then I jump on him taking him into the water. We both go under. We come up and he looks at me like I'm crazy. "Are you crazy women I could of drowned" he makes his voice high pitch. I start laughing at him and he splashes me.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
We get out of the water and I decide to message Jack.


C- Hey Jack do you guys have everything set up?

J- yeah everything is ready to go, we just finished

C- Okay thank you, you guys are the best. See you later.

"Hey Emma are you hungry" I look over at her. "Yes I'm starving" She smiles. "Follow me" I stand up. She stands up a and start walking.

We are getting closer and I start getting nervous. "Close your eyes Emma" I look over to her. "What why" She looks confused. "Just trust me, do you trust me" I say. "Yes I trust you" She closes her eyes.

I walk behind her and put my hands over her eyes. I tell her to start walking and I keep my hands over her eyes and walk behind her. We finally arrive to the spot.

~~Emma's POV~~
I am so nervous. We finally come to a stop. "Okay open your eyes" his voice is shaky and I can tell he's nervous. I open my eyes and see roses surrounded around a blanket with a picnic basket. "Awe this is so cute" I turn around and give him a hug. We sit down and eat.

We just finished eating and we are just sitting on the blanket watching the sunset. "Emma we have been talking everyday for a month and I really like you, I think it's time to make you my girlfriend, so will you be mine Emma" he looks over to me. "Of course Corbyn, I would love to be yours and for you to be mine" I smile. "I have been thinking that it's was time to take this to the next level for awhile now, this month has been the best month of my life and I can't wait for more" I smile and look into his eyes. His face is soft and you can see the happiness in his eyes.

He stands up and reaches his hand out and I gladly except it. "Let's go for a walk on the beach" he says.

We have been walking on the beach for about and hour holding hands the whole time. We finally decide to go back to the house.

We just arrived to to the house. Corbyn grabs my hand interlacing our fingers then we walk in.

"Are you guys dating" all the guys ask at the same time. I laugh and Corbyn holds up our hands indicating we are. They all still look confused. I guess it makes sense why they are confused because we have held hands before we started dating.

"Yes we are dating" Corbyn smiles.
"YESSSSS" Zach yells me and Corbyn laugh.
"ABOUT TIME" Jack yells and gives us a hug.
"Thasss muh boiii" Logan says.
"I didn't even know you were here" I say and start laughing.
"Okay guys me and Emma are going to bed" Corbyn says.
"Good night love birds" all of the guys say.

We walk into Corbyn's room and he jumps on the bed. "I'm going to take a shower before we go to bed" I say. I walk to the bathroom door. "Don't wait up" I walk in the bathroom and shut the door.

After thirty minutes I get out of the shower. I get dressed in some sweats and a t-shirt. I decided to just leave my hair down and let it air dry.

I walk out of the bathroom and Corbyn is still up. "Why didn't you fall asleep" I look at him. "I want to take a shower too" he gets up and walks into the bathroom.

I decided to stay up and finish Corbyn's game on NBA.

I hear the door open but I don't look back because the game is almost over and I'm winning with just seconds left on the clock. I take the last shot and make it in, I won. I feel a soft kiss on my cheek. "Good job babe" Corbyn looks down at me. This is the first time he called me babe. "We work good as a team, you had the lead and I just finished it" I smile up at him.

I get up and go lay down in the bed. I get under the blankets and Corbyn walks over. He lays down next to me.

I face him and I wrap my arms around him and he wraps one arm around my waist and has the other one around my shoulder. This is when I feel protected the most. Corbyn starts playing with my hair and I feel his warm breath on my neck. I start to doze off quicker than usual because he's playing with my hair.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
I'm up before Emma so I think I am going to make her breakfast today. I don't want to make pancakes because we just had that so I think I'm going to make breakfast burritos.

"Good morning bro what are you doing" Zach walks into the kitchen. "Good morning Zach I am going to make breakfast" I look at him. "Oh cool can I help" he smiles. "I would love the help" I smile back. "Okay cool what are we cooking" he asks. "I was thinking breakfast burritos" I say. "That sounds good okay let's get started" he starts grabbing the stuff.

~~Emma's POV~~
I just woke up and Corbyn isn't in bed. I get up and get dressed. I walk out and see Corbyn cooking. "Good morning baby girl" Corbyn walks over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning babe" I give him a kiss back on his cheek. "Good morning Em" Zach smiles at me. "Good morning" I smile back.

"Come and eat with us" Zach points to the seat next to him. I go and sit down and Corbyn serves me. I start eating and Jack and Jonah walk into the kitchen.

"Wow you guys are up before me for once" Jonah laughs then grabs a plate.

Then Daniel walks in.

I just finished eating and it was delicious. "Thank you for breakfast" I hug Corbyn. "You're welcome baby, and thing for you" he hugs me back. "So what do you want to do today" Corbyn asks. "I want to hangout with the guys and get to know them better" I look up at him. "Yeah I noticed you aren't really close with any of them" he looks at me. "Except for Zach" I state.

"Hey guys what do you want to do today,we are going to hangout with you guys today" Corbyn says. "Umm we should do something with Logan" Daniel says. "Yeah let's head over to his house and see what he wants to do" Jonah says. "Sounds like a plan" I look at the guys.

We all get in the car and head to Logans.

"Babe you know all Logans fans are gonna see him on his vlog and figure out we are dating or something is going on between us" I say with a concerned look on my face. "They will see us hugging or holding hands, or they might even hear us say babe" I continue. "Well just have to tell Logan to announce it on his vlog if you're okay with that" he looked at me rubbed my arm trying to ease my nerves about this whole thing. "You know how much hate I got and we weren't even dating" I say. "My true fans will be happy for me" he says. "Okay let's do it" I give a weak smile.

We just arrived at Logans.

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