Chapter 4

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~~ Emma's POV~~
Corbyn puts the glasses on and I get a huge grin on my face. He looks so cute. "Can we please take I picture" I ask. He says of course. I take me phone out and we take multiple pictures. We took one where I'm smiling and he kissed my cheek, we took one where he smiles and I kiss his cheek, then we both just take one where we smile.

When we took the picture where I kiss him on his cheek we almost kissed on the lips. I asked him if I could kiss his cheek and he must of misunderstood, he must of thought I asked for another kiss on my cheek, so we both turned in but we realized and pulled back. Don't get my wrong I would love to but I'm not a crazy fangirl like that.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
When we took pictures we almost kissed. We both pulled back, don't get me wrong I really like her and would like to get to know her better. I thought about just going for it though.
Two more hours until I have to go and perform. I'm hungry so I'm gonna ask Emma if she wants to eat and ask the boys if I can leave.

"Do you want to go get something to eat" I asked. "Yes I'm starving" She says. "Okay let me go ask the guys if we could leave and get something to eat" I said. "Okay I'll wait for you right here" She said. I got up and walked away.

"Hey boys" I say to the guys. They all look up and smile. "How's it going with Emma" Zach asked. "She's great, but that  what I came over here about" I said. "What's up" Jack asks with a concerned face. "I was wondering if we could leave for a little bit to get something to eat" I say. "What about the other fans" Daniel says. "I don't think it will be a problem, as long as your not gone for that long" Jonah says. "It won't be that long" I say. They all say okay and I walk towards Emma.

"Good news we can go" I say. She hops up and I follow her out of the door. She stops because she doesn't know where my car is so I take the lead. We finally reach my car. "Wow your car is amazing" Emma says in awe. I just chuckle. I then go and open the door for her and she gets in, then I shut it, and run to my side of the car.

~~Emma's POV~~
Corbyn opens the door for me, I get in and he shuts it, then he runs to his side of the car. He's such a gentleman. "What do we want to eat" he asks. "Well I'm sure you have to get back soon so probably fast food" I say. "Okay what about McDonalds" he asks. "Yeah I love McDonalds" I say. He starts driving. He plays Nobody Gotta Know and smirks. I totally forget he's here and start singing my heart out.

~~ Corbyn's POV~~
I put on Nobody Gotta Know and smirk. Emma starts singing her heart out its like she's the only one in the car. She had an amazing voice and I just stare at her in awe. She realizes I'm staring at her at the end of the song. Emma starts blushing.

~~ Emma's POV~~
At the end of the song I see Corbyn staring at me in awe, I start to blush. "What" I say smiling. "You sing so good" he says. "Oh yes, look at you" I say. Then we arrive at McDonalds.

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