The news

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Chapter twelve
Alli's POV: today I was going for an ultrasound! We still haven't told Kristen so I had to lie to her about it. As Charles and I entered the hospital he signed me in and sat down next to me. Kristen was over at my parents right now while we came here. She's gotten better since we had that fight. "Mr. and Mrs. Trippy?" The doctor yells from behind doors. I smile at Charles and grab his hand. We walk to the back room as I pull my shirt up and the doctor puts the gel on my stomach. I hear the doctor gasp and calls Charles over to him. "Look," he says to Charles. Charles smiles at me then starts crying. "What is it?" I say nervous. "Ready to see your baby?" The doctor says and I nod. He turns the screen around and I see two little blurs on the screen. "Is that two babies...?" I ask and Charles and the doctor nod at the same time. I burst into tears as Charles comes over and hugs me. "We are going to have twins, Char!" I exclaimed, shedding tears. "I know, Al, this is amazing." He hugs me tight then the doctor cleans the gel off of my stomach. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. trippy." He says shaking out hands as we leave. We get into the car and I drive to my parents house. "How will Kristen feel?" Charles asks and I shrug. I forgot about her feelings... "She will be pissed." I say laughing and he nods. "Maybe," I smile and keep driving to my parents house.
As we reach my parents house I see Kristen outside with Zoey and Marley. She looked so happy! Oh how I missed that. She has still been mopey since the whole foster care thing. "Hi mom." I wave and hug my mom. "How did it go? Did you have fun with Yuki and Justin? I nodded and walked over to Kristen. "Did you have fun Kristen?" She nods and hugs me. "Where did you really go?" She whispers into my ear. I let go of her and look at her. "What do you mean?" "You didn't go hang out with Justin and Yuki." I sigh. "You got me." I help her off of the grass and walk into my parents house. I haven't even told my parents yet. Charles is going to tell his tomorrow. "Let's take a seat." Charles says patting the spot next to him for me to sit. "What's up?" Kristen said sitting next to my mom. We had my dad come in also. "We have something to say," Charles and I exchange looks. "WE ARE HAVING A LITTLE TRIPPY!!!" We screamed in unison. "Matter of fact we are having TWO little Trippys!" I hugged Charles as my parents were silent then my mom spoke, "oh Alli congratulations!" We both stood up and she pulled my into a hug. My dad and Charles joined in on the hug. We all let go and Kristen has disappeared. I look at Charles and mouth 'uh oh'.
Kristen's POV: "WE ARE HAVING A LITTLE TRIPPY!!!" Charles and Alli scream at the same exact time. "Matter of fact we are having TWO little Trippys!" Alli says as she hugs Charles. I don't want siblings! Or I don't know what they would be called but I don't want them to come! "Oh Alli congratulations!" Lauren says and hugs Alli. I silently cry and leave to room. I need to get rid of those babies! I don't want them to come here!! They will soak up all the attention like a sponge soaking up water! I cry into my pillow in the spare room. "Kristen, what's wrong?" I sat up to see who it was, surprisingly is wasn't Alli, it was Charles. "No! I don't want her to have a kid!! It's worse cause it will be two!!" He sits by me on the bad and gives me a side hug. "Hey, don't cry. You will be fine, we won't forget about you, promise." He holds his pinky finger out for a pinky promise. "Liar." I reject the promise and stand up. "I don't want her to have two kids! I'll just live with Danny!!" I grab my pillow and leave the room. I hate everyone!! As I walk by Alli she grabs my arm and has a firm hold on it. "Let go!" I scream tugging hard. "No, Kristen I will not let go until you tell me what's wrong!" I take a deep breath and scream loudly,"I.DONT.WANT.YOU.TO.HAVE.TWINS!!!!! I emphasize every word and tug my arm out of her grasp. She sighs and let's me go. "Kristen, come here." "NO!! I'm going to Danny and Lindsey's house!" "Kristen you are not going there!" Alli stands up and grabs my wrist again. I scream and try to tug away but it's useless. I calm down and sit on the ground with my wrist still in her grasp. "Leave me alone. I don't want you to have a kid!" I cry into my free hand. "Kristen, calm down please. It's ok, we won't forget about you." She let's go of my wrist leaving a mark from holding on so tight. "Look at what you did to my wrist!" I say overreacting. "You hurt it!!" I scream and push her out of my way. She was sitting like a frog so she fell over when I pushed her and just sat there. "Kristen Cole Spen!" Get back over here!" I hear Charles scream while helping Alli up. I knew I would be in big trouble so I turned around and walked towards him. "Sorry..." I say whispering to where he can only hear. "Sorry won't help! It's timeout for you!" I frown as he grabs my wrist and pulls me into the kitchen. "Why did you push her?" I shrugged and didn't make eye contact with him. "Kristen! Answer me!" He holds my head up and makes me look him in the eyes. "I don't know... I was annoyed that she was having kids.. Now she won't pay attention to me and neither will you!" I heard him sigh as I backed away from him. "Kristen, we won't forget about you. I promise." "Whatever!" I yell at him and cross my arms. "Kristen, you need to grow up! Your eleven years old! I shouldn't have to put you in timeout! I could ground you but I won't! Next time you hurt me, Alli, her parents or anyone else you will be GROUNDED!!" I start to cry and he sets me in a kitchen chair and makes me face the wall. "Five minutes!" I nod as he walks away. "I hate you." I mutter under my breath.
Uh oh! Will Kristen get into more trouble? Should it be two girls two boys or one of each? Comment vote and tell you friends! Should I delete my trapped fanfic? I don't really like it anymore/: I might start a fanfic about CTFxC and WTK and Shaytards or something. Please comment and vote it would mean the world to me!

This Couldn't Be Any Other Way (a CTFxC and WTK fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें