My story

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Chapter fifty

Kristen's POV: I wake up and get dressed for school. I stretch and grab some clothes. I put on my skinny jeans and a signed WTK shirt. I grab my nude flats and school bag and walk down stairs. Alli smiles at me and gives Anna and Chaz their fruit. I grab a banana and a muffin. I kiss Alli on the cheek and do the same to the twins and leave. Caleb catches up to me as I eat my muffin and banana. We stand at the bus stop till the bus comes. We all get on and I sit next to Caleb. "Did you get in trouble? For the kiss?" I shake my head, "no, my parents didn't punish me because they said I am growing up." He laughs, "Ashton got in trouble." I nod and stand up to throw away my trash. I sit back down and listen to We The Kings with Caleb. "Did you like meeting my dad?" I ask and he nods. "It was awesome! I got an autograph." I laugh and show him my phone. "When I met the band I got everyone to sign it." His jaw drops and I laugh. He takes out the ear bus and pauses the song 'whoa' by We The Kings of course. "So what happened?" "What do you mean?" "How did you live with Charles and Alli?" I sigh and look at him. "Ok here we go, in Tallahassee We The Kings were playing about ten miles away from where I lived. My mom an I went to go see then play, but her abusive boyfriend worked that night. When we arrived we were the first ones there. I saw their tour bus and I asked my mom if I could go over. She said yes so I went over and when I did Alli came out and invited me to go to Starbucks with her. My mom again said yes so I went and we talked. When we got back she invited me to go on the bus since there was like an hour and a half till the show. I went to ask my mom and she said yes once more and when I went on the whole band including the crew and the girlfriends were on the bus. They all signed my phone and we talked," I rub my phone and continue, "when it was time to get off of the bus I said bye and I went into to building to watch them preform. When they came on stage it was amazing. Travis got me up on stage and we did the on stage date during 'Friday is Forever' after the song everyone went off stage and as I was getting off my mom was, well, murdered I guess you could say... Alli ran out and comforted me when this happened and Danny called 911 I went back stage and I got mad at Alli because she tried to comfort me then we went back on stage later that day and my mom was gone. Charles was talking to me when Alli came out and brought him to the back. That's when she called him ignorant for not wanting me to stay with them. He ca-" "wait he didn't want you to stay with them?" "It was because he didn't want me to suffer if he... Died." He nods and I continue, "Charles comes out from back stage crying and he leaves. Alli later comes out and Danny yells at her then she leaves with Lindsey and about an hour later they came back and asked me if I wanted to live with them. That's how I became a Trippy." He nods and puts the earbud back in, "nice story, and I'm sorry for your loss." I smile and we listen to We The Kings. The bus finally jerks to a stop and we get off. As people walk by they compliment me on my shirt. "So you can pretty much get anyone from the band to sign stuff? Cause your like all of their kids?" Caleb asks looking at my shirt. "Yea, I just went to Danny's house last night. If I wore this shirt Friday I could've gotten you a signed drumstick or something." His jaw drops and I laugh. "Next time you see Danny ask him! Please!" I laugh, "ok I will." I go to my locker and get my first period things and go into home room. I sit next to Rylan and she smiles at me. "Nice shirt." "Thanks." I go through my binder and look at all of my work. "Have fun at the dance?" I nod and close my binder. "Did you have fun?" She nods and smiles. "I heard about you and Ashton." I turn towards her, "how?" "Ashton kept telling people because he's pissed that you didn't get in trouble." I roll my eyes. "Wow, it's not my fault my parents yelled at me then didn't punish me. He kissed me." Rylan shrugs and we hear the bell for first. I go in and sit next to Avery. She smiles and we start our work. After first we go to second and I sit next to Ashton. He looks pissed. He smiles at me then it turns to a frown. "What did your parents do?" I ask him. "Took away all of my electronics and I can't hang out with any friends. What did your parents do?" He asked sarcastically. "My parents did yell at me they were going to punish me but they talked it over and said that I'm just growing up." He rolls his eyes and class starts. He doesn't talk to me the whole class. After second I walk to third with Avery. "He is really mad at you." I nod and roll my eyes. "for what? He kissed me." I cross my arms and get out my homework. Once we go over that we get oh new homework that we get to work on. I finally finish right when the bell rings. I get up and go to my locker. We get into the lunch room and sit across from Ashton and Caleb. "Kristen can I talk to you?" Ashton asks standing up. I nod and walk out of the lunch room with him. He grabs my hand and we walk to a little corner outside the lunch room. "I'm sorry that I was mad at you, it's just not fair. I love you and I want you to me my girlfriend." I smile at him and nod. "I will be your girlfriend." I give him a quick peck and whisper in his ear, "I'll take the blame for that one." I smile and we walk into the lunch room together. "What did he want to talk to you about?" "He said he was sorry and asked me to be his girlfriend." "What did you say?" "Yes." She smiles and we eat our lunch. The bell rings and I walk to chorus with Ashton. I'm glad he isn't mad anymore because it would be weird to sit next to him if he's mad at me. We sit down in our regular seats and start to warm up. We learn out songs for the concert and we take a perquisite on reading notes. It's super easy because Travis and Charles taught me. After the quiz the bell rings and we pile out the door. Everyone runs down the hallway and we go to our lockers. I walk into Reading with Reagan and sit next to her. We work together on our class work till Mrs. Brooke's yells at us. We both state at each other and continue working. When the bell for sixth rings we go out of class and Avery meets up with me. "How was Reading?" "Ok, Reagan and I got yelled at though." I shrug and walk into sixth. The second bell rings once I sit down next to Ashton. We hold each others hand until the end of class. He walks me to my locker and then I follow him to his. He isn't mad anymore about the kissing thing and he said in chorus that he doesn't care what his parents say. That means that he will kiss me again, I'm fine with that. He grabs my hand and we walk to the outdoor classroom. I text Charles and tell him I'm going to his house and so is Caleb. I wait for the all clear and go on my normal bus with Ashton. We sit next to each other then Avery and Caleb get on. The bus finally leaves the school and heads to our neighborhood. Before my stop comes Ashton kisses my hand and I get off the bus with Avery and Caleb. We all talk till Avery stops in front of her house, "who's car is that?" Avery asks pointing to the mini can in my driveway. "Either Alli's or Nerd Rock picked up the band..." Caleb smiles and Avery grins, "have to go but have fun Caleb." Avery says and walks into her house. Caleb keeps the grin I his face till we enter the house. We walk in and immediately hear yelling, it was Travis. Then we hear Danny's voices and they start to chant something. I roll my eyes and enter the living room. "I HAVE ARRIVED!!" I yell and they all stop. I drop my bags and run over to Danny. I then hug Travis, Coley, Hunter, Charles, Nerd Rock, Duncan and so on. Once I hug everyone I introduce Caleb, "ok everyone this is Caleb, Caleb this is We The Kings." He shakes everyone's hand and is in shock. The band laughs and we all sit down. "I have to say, you acted like Kristen when she first met us." Travis says. I smile and hear a doorbell, "I got it!" Travis and Danny yell. They both look at each other then run to the door. "Hi Travis, Hi Danny." My eyes go big once I hear the voice. "Charles, why is she hear?" Charles shrugs and his face turns red, "did you tell her you were coming here?" I slap my head and shake it, "crap... I'm in trouble." I stand up and go to the front door, "Kristen, why didn't you come to my house?" "Because I was taking Caleb over here..." "You should've told me! Or at least your father could've!" I cross my arms and Charles comes out. "Don't yell at her, she forgot to tell you, simple mistake you can leave." Alli rolls her eyes and leaves the house. "Thanks, I owe you." He nods and we walk back into the kitchen. We hang out with the band till Caleb has to leave. The band stays the night and we go to bed. Today was an awesome day!


Hope you like this chapter, it's good and long. I think it's the longest I have ever written! Ok well comment ideas, vote and tell your friends! Thanks for 109 comments and almost 20k reads! Love you guys, xoxo

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