Beach day

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Chapter thirty-six

6:30 a.m.

Charles' POV: "Kristen it's time to get up. We need to get to the beach early." I open her curtains and the sun blinds both of us. "Close them!" She yells and I close them quickly. "I forgot Florida sun is bright." I say laughing. "It's the same sun that's in Nevada. It's just closer to us." Kristen says getting up. "Look at you being all nerdy." I say softly punching her arm. "That freezing lake water got to me." She says smiling. "Get ready, smart ass." I say leaving her room to get changed myself. I put on some swim trunks and a black top. I grab my flip flops and sunglasses. I go to the kitchen to wait for Kristen. "KRISTEN!! GET OUT HERE NOW!!" I yell so she will get out here. She runs out scared, "I didn't do it I swear." I start laughing and she comes over and punches me. "Ass wipe." She says to me. "Language." I say sternly. "Then don't say that word in front of me." She crosses her arms and smirks. She grabs her camera and bag and we wait for Danny and Lindsey to show up for us to go since I can't drive. Today will be a fun day.

7:40 a.m.

Kristen's POV: once we arrive at the beach we grab the chairs we packed and we find the perfect area to sit. I'm glad Danny and Lindsey came. It will be so much fun.

Charles vlogging: "hey guys look where we are." He turns the camera around shows the internet the water. "Charles," Danny yells throwing him a chip, "dare you to throw it at the seagulls." Charles shrugs and starts throwing the chips. The birds get closer to him and he starts running around, still vlogging. He is so stupid.

We all went on a walk near the water. "Look at this shell." Charles says picking it up. "It's perfect to throw at Danny." He throws the shell at Danny while he's vlogging and we all laugh. "It's on!" Danny says picking up sand and throwing it at him. It him square in the face and we all start throwing sand. We somehow end up in the water and Danny picks me up. "Surrender or I'll throw her in." Charles laughs. "I already dipped her in the freezing lake water, she's fine." I gasp at him and Danny throws me in the water. I hear them all laughing when I come back up. We all splash each other until it's time to go.

11:50 a.m.

"I think it's time to go. Are we all sun burnt enough?" Charles asks vlogging. We all nod and touch our face and shoulders. We pack up out stuff and get in the car. I had a ton of fun today it's just weird without Alli here. "Hey Charles wanna go bowling tonight?" Danny asks Charles. Charles shrugs and looks at me. "Wanna go bowling tonight." I think about it then answer, "no, but you can. If I can have Avery over," I cross my arms and look over at him and smile, "please?" He sighs. "Fine, she can sleep over at our house but next time you are going over to hers ok?" I nod and hug him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, you won't regret it I promise." "I better not or else I will make you clean the whole house." I laugh at him and we get home. We get out of Danny's car and go in the house. "Go text, call, or snapchat, whatever you do, your friend." I nod and text Avery,

'Wanna sleep over? My dad's going bowling with his friends tonight and he said you can come over later.'

'Sure what time?'

'Come over around seven thirty.'

'Ok, see you then.'

'See ya<3'

I tell Charles she can come and I go to my room. I decided to leave my room and play xbox with Charles. I can't wait till Avery comes over.

5:30 p.m.

"I have to leave soon. Will Avery be here soon?" Charles asks bringing out some snacks for us. "Yea in about ten. She's walking." I turn around and lay my head on the back of the couch. "Let's go pick her up with the golf cart." Charles says grabbing his camera. "Ok!" I jump up and we both run to the golf cart. He starts the cart and we drive to pick up Avery. "Avery! Over here!" Charles says pulling up behind her. "Shi-oot, hey!" She says with her face bright red. "Get in." She sits next to me and holds on to the bar. "Did you get scared?" Charles leans over and asks. "Yes." She says frowning. "You saved it." She looks over at me. "What?" "You were going to say shit," I whisper, "but you saved it." She smiles and nods. Charles leans over on top of me and whispers, "heard you." I frown at him and we pull into the garage. We all get out and go inside. "Ok Danny will be here soon. Have fun, don't invite boys over unless it's my dad or Chico. Ok?" We both laugh and nod. "Don't answer the door and don't go outside. Got it?" We both nod again and I hug him. "Love you." Charles says hugging me and kissing my cheek. "Love you too." I say kissing his cheek back. "You need to shave." I say hugging him one more time. He laughs and we hear a knock. "Can I say hi to Danny?" I ask running to the door. "Yes." He says following me and Avery out. "Danny!" I yell running towards his car. "Kristen!" He yells mocking me. "I just saw you, your really happy." "I know. I like when I see you." I say hugging him. "See you later?" I ask letting go of him. "If you aren't asleep then you will." "If I am just honk." He nods and they drive off. Avery and I run back inside and lock the door. "So wanna have dinner?" I ask Avery. "Sure." We both go into the kitchen to find pizza and a note. "What's the note for?" Avery asks pointing to it. "I dunno." I say shrugging and opening the pizza box. "I'll read it then." She grabs it and starts reading.

Dear Kristen and Avery,

Watch your backs tonight and keep the doors locked. I'm watching you.

Have fun,


I laugh at the note and eat more pizza. "Kristen? Aren't you scared?" I shake my head and keep eating. "Probably Charles." I say grabbing the note. "How do you know?" She asks kind of scared. "Because," I put down the pizza trying not to laugh, "I'm part of this to!" I say reaching for and knife and holding it up. "KRISTEN! What are you doing?!" She screams and runs to my room. I start laughing so much. I put the knife away and go back to eating my pizza. "Got you!!" I yell still laughing when she comes out of my room. "Asshole." She says punching my arm. We eat and talk for a little bit then decide to watch a movie.


Hey guys! I updated! Two days till my B-DAY! Won't be on Thursday! Hope you enjoy and please get this to 10k reads! Comment ideas and vote! Make sure to tell your friends! Night! Xoxo

Xoxo is like my version of Charles' ️TOODLES.

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