Nine months later

904 14 1

Chapter sixteen

Alli's POV: the babies are due any day now! I've been super moody lately which sucks. Kristen is helping me out a ton since Charles was still on tour. He comes home tomorrow which I am super happy about! "Alli! I'm making grilled cheese want some?" Kristen shouts from the kitchen. "No I'm find maybe later." I rest my head on my pillow and start to drift off, 'BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP' I jump awake and waddle out to the kitchen, "sorry Alli... It was the toaster..." I rolled my eyes and went to the couch. I've been so uncomfortable because of my stupid stomach. I rested on the couch until I heard the garage door open up. "IM HOME!!" I peek around the corner to see Charles! "Charles! Your home early!" I get up and waddle over to him fast and hug him. "Have fun on tour?" He nods and I smile at him. "I almost had to get stitches." He says showing me the gash on his knee. "What did you do?!" He starts laughing and takes a seat. Kristen gets him an ice pack to put on his knee. "We were doing sound check and I tripped on the riser once again and my knee hit the corner of it and it almost went really deep. It was the last show so I had a gash in my knee the whole show." I look at his knee and clean it with disinfectant. "The twins are supposed to be due any day now." I say hugging him. Kristen is now excited for the twins. We want to be surprised what gender they are so we told them to wait. "Ok let's right down a list of names." I say grabbing paper.

Girl names:

Charles: Elizabeth Lauren Trippy

Kristen: Alexis Justin Trippy

Allison: Anna Claire Trippy

Boy names:

Charles: Charles(Chaz) Cole Trippy

Kristen: Charles(Chaz) Cole Trippy

Allison: Charles(Chaz) Cole Trippy

We all agreed on the boys name which I loves it. I voted for the girls name Anna Claire Trippy which Ithink is the cutest name ever! "I personally think Alli's wins for the girls!" Kristen says. Charles nods in agreement. I hope we have a boy and a girl or two girls! It would be the best! "Wanna go out and eat?" Charles asks giving me a massage. "I guess we could but I don't want to because Kristen just ate and with the babies I'm scared to go out." He nods and sits next to me, "ok Queen Trippy, whatever you want." He kisses my forehead and I snuggle up next to him.

I wake up with Charles no where to be found. I look up at the clock, '2:54' I sigh and lay back down when I get a shock of pain. "Charles! I think my water might break!" I hear him open his office doors and run out to the living room. "What?! Let's go stand up!" I get up slowly and he pulls me to the car. Kristen grabs the bag we packed and run out the door. Colette told me to get a bag ready for when the babies arrive. "Here Al." Charles says handing me the camera. "Char, I can't vlog right now! I have to drive!" I give him the camera and keep driving, "Umm Charles... My water just broke!" He freaks out and I drive faster. When we reach the hospital and I get put in a wheel chair. I change into a gown and lay in the hospital bed. Kristen sits on a chair across the room and Charles sits next the me hold my hand. "Ok Mrs. Trippy we are ready for you to push."

Charles' POV: "ok Mrs. Trippy we are ready for you to push." I hold her hand as we wait for the nurses to come in. Once we are ready the doctor tells her to push. She screams and keeps pushing. "One more big push Allison, you got this." The doctor says. "Charles!! This is your fault!" She screams. "There's a head! Push one more." She pushes and a little body comes out. The nurses clean the baby off and yell, "it's a boy!" I smile at Alli, "one more to go!" She smiles and waits for the doctors orders. "Ok Charles. You want to cut the cord?" I nod as he hands me scissors and I cut the cord. A few minutes later the doctor tells Alli to push and we see a full head of hair. "One more push make it a good one!" Alli screams one last time and silence fills the area. We all sit there smiling as we hear a faint cry. The nurses clean the second baby off and shout, "it's a girl!" I cut the cord once again and we stare at the babies.

Charles(Chaz) Cole Trippy

Born: January 5th, 2014

Time: 4:52 p.m.

Weight: 7.8'

Anna Claire Trippy

Born: January 5th, 2014

Time: 4:56 p.m.

Weight: 8.2'

"Charles, we had our second and third children." I smile at her as she holds Anna. I sit next to her holding Chaz. "We're catching up to the SHAYTARDS." I say laughing. "Charles, when will the SHAYTARDS visit?" Kristen asks. "I don't know we should have them over soon." Alli nods in agreement and snuggles Anna. "I love them." Alli says kissing Anna's head. I let Kristen sit on my lap and hold Chaz. "He is so cute!" She squeals kissing his head. "I love this new family." I saying kissing Alli's head.


Goodnight everyone! I don't have a lot of data left which sucks! I hope you like the babies names I know I do! The ending was better but I had no WIFI so it screwed up. Comment ideas vote and tell your friends! Night

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