Wait what?

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Chapter fifty-three

Kristen's POV: school! Yay! Not, I hate school. I laid in bed for an extra ten minutes then go up to get dressed. I was already late so the ten extra minutes did not help at all. I slowly get up to get dressed. I grab some comfy clothes them go do my hair. I finally come out of my room and sit at the table, "morning." Charles says handing me my juice. I grunt and grab my glass. "Somebody seems tired today!" Charles says, pounding his hand on the table. I jolt up then glare at him, "do I have to go to school?" He sits down and sighs, "I guess not, you can stay here..." I jump up and smile, "really?!" He nods. "You can stay, only if you help me hang my play buttons up." I roll my eyes and sit back down, "fine, ONLY if I can drive the golf cart." He laughs, "your funny." I glare at him. I get out of my seat to get some cereal. "Dad? We don't have milk!" I look the fridge up and down and sigh. I hear Charles stand up and come over to the fridge, "shit, you're right. Golf cart it is!" Charles yells. He grabs a shirt and we run out the door. He then runs backs in to get the keys and runs back out, "let us go!" He yells pointing to the ceiling. "Do you have money?" I ask as we pull out. Charles stops the golf cart and runs back inside. Nows my chance! I scoot over into the driver seat and back up. I get into the road and Charles comes running back out, "Kristen stop!!" Charles yells and finally catches up to me. He grabs the golf cart and glares at me, "off." He says sternly. I get off and stand in the driveway. Charles gets in the golf cart and points inside, "go inside, that wasn't funny." I cross my arms and slowly walk back inside. As I walk in I hear the garage door close. Now I'm just me, Zoey, and Marley. I sit on the couch and wait till Charles comes back. When he finally gets back I grab the milk and pour myself some. "Thanks." I say putting the milk in the fridge. Charles crosses his arms and lays the keys down. "I'm not even going to yell at you." Charles says, angry. I eat my cereal and stare at him. "Sorry?" He shakes his head and walks to his office. I bet he's going to edit.

It's time for lunch and Charles finally comes out of his office. "What do you want for lunch?" Charles asks. I shrug and walk into the kitchen. I hug him and smile, "sorry about earlier." "Don't do it again please." I nod as Charles grabs his phone, "I'll order pizza." I nod and let go of him. He hangs up his call and grabs his xbox controller. "Wanna play a game?" I shrug and he sits next to me on the couch. "Bio shock?" I nod and he hands me the controller. It's a one player game so every time one of us died we switched players. The pizza gets here and Charles throws the controller onto my lap so he can get the pizza. I turn off the xbox and go get some plates. I set the plates in front of two chairs and Charles comes back in. I grab a piece and so does Charles, it's so good!

Alli's POV: I'm going to Charles, well our, house after nine or so. I grab my salad I made yesterday for lunch and feed the twins some vegetables. I wonder what Kristen will say about Charles and I. Chaz and Anna don't know anything so they won't but will know a difference because there will be no more stairs. And there will be a Charles. I change into my outfit for the day then change the twins. I put on my makeup and lean on the vanity, "I'm actually doing this," I say to myself in the mirror, "I'm going to be a Trippy again." I smile and leave my bathroom. The twins have been following me everywhere today, it's like they know it's the last time being in this house. I start packing clothes for us three since they won't be coming back here. I grab all of their clothes and put them in a suitcase with most of my clothes. I put the bag by the door and start packing their toys and electronics. I put that bag by the door and grab all of my makeup and hair stuff and put that in another bag. Oh man I hate packing. I grab the twins blanket that a CTFxCer made and fold it up neatly. I've been running up and down the stairs all day. I've been packing Kristen's things too. I sit down and give myself a well needed break.

9:00 pm

I got mostly everything packed and I'm heading to the car. I shove everything in the trunk and get the twins in their seats and Chico in the passenger seat. I get in the front seat and turn on the car. "Here goes nothing..." I back out of the driveway and head off to the house. First I go and drop off Chico at my parents house. I'm so nervous because I don't know how Kristen will act. I slowly pull into the driveway and sit in the car. I rest my head on the steering wheel, "calm down Alli, you can do this." I finally manage to get out of the car with the twins. "Ready to see daddy?" I ask them and they nod. We walk up to the door and Anna knocks. I hear Kristen yell something and her footsteps getting louder. The door unlocks revealing a messy haired Kristen. "Alli? Why are you here?" She ask, shocked. Charles comes running to the door and smiles. "Well my rent is up on my house and my parents are out of town. Could I stay here?" I already know the answer but I have to play cool. Kristen looks up at Charles and he nods. I smile and walk in. The twins come running in and jumping all around. "Home!" Anna yells jumping on the couch. Cha giggles and climbs in Zoeys bed. Kristen looks at me and smiles. "So you couldn't go to Datev's moms house?" She is really confused. "No, they are in Fiji." She nods and walks to her room. Charles waits till she closes her door and side hugs me, "glad to have you back, mrs. Trippy." He kisses my forehead and I smile up at him. "Glad to be back, mr. Trippy." He hugs me once more and we separate. You never realize how much you love someone till they are gone. It was like one day they are here and the next thing you know, you don't have your partner. "Did I ever tell you how much I missed you?" I ask Charles. He smiles and pecks my lips. "Three months... Since it all happened..." I smile up at him and walk to the door, "I need to get my bag." I say pointing to the door. "I'll help." Charles says running in front of me. I unlock the trunk and he grabs my suitcase. "Thank you." I smile and we walk back inside. He sets my bag down and grabs my hand, "so I have a question..." He says still holding my hand. "What is it?" "Well, since you were gone because all of this happened... What's our sleeping arrangements?" "What do you mean?" "I mean wouldn't it be weird to sleep with your almost ex-husband?" I shake my head and let go of his hands, "no it wouldn't." I put my arms around his next and hug him tight. I missed him so much. "How about for tonight you sleep in your old office?" I nod and grab my bag. I put it in my office and walk back out. "I need to edit, night." He pecks my lips and leaves the room. I put the twins in their old room and close the door. I walk into Kristen's room to find her awake on her phone. "Hi." She says putting her phone down. "Hi, just wanted to say goodnight." I walk over to her and hug her, "love you." I say and kiss her forehead. She lays down and I leave to room. Before I close the door I hear her whisper, "love you too mom." I smile and silently close the door. I walk through the house before going to bed. The last room I go into is the front room. I walk up to the pinball machine and smile. "So many great memories." I smile and wipe my eyes. "so many more to come." I feel arms wrap around my waist and Charles puts his head on my shoulder, "I love you Al." I turn my head and kiss his cheek, "love you too Char." He let's go and we stare into each other's eyes and for one second my world stops. Everything around us stops and I am once again in love with the man that my world will revolve around. I love our little infinity.


That's a wrap on this chapter! Hope you guys liked it! Thanks for 19k reads! Love you guys! Comment ideas vote and tell your friends! Xoxo

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