Good news

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Chapter fifty-four

Alli's POV: I woke up to laughing and giggling. I walk out of my office and greet my family. Charles is making pancakes while the twins sit in their seats next to Kristen. I walk over to the table and start feeding the twins. Kristen grabs the other baby food and feeds Anna for me. Charles sets down a plate of bacon and eggs for everyone to get some. Kristen grabs some food and grabs her bag. "Off to school?" She nods and sighs, "I don't wanna go." "Kristen, you have to!" Charles says grabbing the butter. "I didn't go yesterday though!" I look over at Charles, "she didn't go to school?" "No but I wish she did." He glares at her and sits down. "Why do you wish she did?" I'm so confused right now, "because she could've gotten hurt." "How?" I stand up, concerned. "She decided to drive the golf cart when I went back inside to get my wallet." I looked over at Kristen and she stood up, "bye." She says and runs to the door. "I'm not going to fight with you Charles, I'm not going to yell at you for doing that, we need each other right now and her doing that doesn't help." Charles smiles and kisses my cheek. We eat breakfast as a family, but without Kristen. Once we finish Charles grabs some plates and I grab the others. Charles grabs them from me and puts them in the sink. "So what are we going to do till Kristen gets home?" Charles asks, plopping on the couch. I shrug and get the twins down. They run over to Charles and hug him. "They are so cute. I miss them." Charles says sitting up. "Glad they are back?" He nods and kisses their heads. "Love you." Charles says looking up at me. "Love you too." I sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. Anna crawls her way across Charles and over to me. "Mommy and daddy!" She grabs both of our necks and hugs us. Chaz giggles and joins in. We all let go and the twins get off of the couch. They start to chase Zoey and Marley around. Charles takes out his camera and films it. I try to be quiet but I can't help it. Charles turns off the camera and turns back around. "We should go swimming!" Charles says jumping up. He runs to his room and I go to mine. I change in my bikini and help change the twins. We go out and get floats to put on the twins. We get the inflatable cockroach to put the twins on. Charles films the whole process of me trying to get them both to stay on the float. They were so scared it was so funny. When I finally got them on Charles got in and put the camera on the front of the float. He started to push the float around and the twins laughed. Chaz was in the front and his facial expressions were hilarious. Anna was trying to hold into the float but there was no where to grab. Charles stopped for a moment to get the dogs in the pool. A he was doing that Chaz grabbed the camera and threw it in the water, "Chaz!" I dive under and grab the camera, "Charles! Take it inside!" I toss him the camera and he runs inside. I grab both of the twins and walk out of the pool. "Chaz, Anna that wasn't funny." I put them down and they both run into the house, laughing. I put my hands on their backs and guide them to their room. Once they get in I take off their floats and change them into some real clothes. I put them in their cribs and leave the room, "char?" I ask walking into his office. "In the kitchen!" Charles yells. I walk to the kitchen and put my hand on his shoulder, "is it ruined?" He takes out the SIM card and shrugs. "Can you get your camera?" I nod and go get my camera from my office. I give it to him and he puts the SIM card in my camera and turns it on. He goes into the pictures tab and finds the clip we just filmed. He smiles and the video starts playing, "it works but the camera doesn't." I smile and so does Charles. "So are you going to upload the vlog later and everyone will ask why I'm in it?" He nods and puts my SIM card in my camera and he takes his and puts it in a new camera.

4:30 pm

Kristen will be home any minute. We are going to tell her after dinner. We are sitting on the couch and we hear the door unlock. Charles removes his hand from behind me and scoots over. Kristen walks in and squints her eyes at me, "I have a question." She says crossing her arms. She lays her bag on the floor and sits across from us and stares at me, "what's going on? I just saw your parents when I was on the bus. Aren't they out of town?" I shake my head, "they came back this morning." She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Why did they have Chico with them?" "They took him on vacation with them." She rolls her eyes again, "bull! You're lying! What's really going on?!" She stands up and clenches her fists. I look over at Charles and he shrugs. I cross my arms and Kristen stands in front of me, still clenching her fists. "Kristen, go to your room." Charles says and stands up. She glares at him and grabs her bag. He puts his hands on her shoulders and they walk to her room. As they are walking to the hallway Kristen glares at me and doesn't stop till they are going down the hallway. I uncross my arms and wait till Charles comes back. Charles finally comes out but is following a screaming Kristen. I don't listen to what she's saying but she's mad. I stand up and put a hand on Charles shoulder. I shake my head and he relaxes. "Kristen what's wrong?" She shakes her head and grabs a water out of the fridge. She pushes past us and walks to her room. "Kristen." I grab her arm but she pulls away. I follow her to her room and close the door behind me. She sits on her bed and puts her head in her hands. I walk over and kneel down I front of her. "Kristen what's wrong? You can tell me." She looks up at me and frowns, "why are you here? Why did you lie to me?" I sigh and grab her hand. "Do you want to know why?" She nods and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up at Charles and smile. "Kristen, I'm here because," I look her in the eyes and smile, "remember how I told you I don't know when you asked me about Charles and I?" She nods, "I lied because I didn't want to tell you yet..." "Tell me what? What's going on, are you moving away?" She puts her head down. I shake my head and laugh, "no, it's actually the opposite." She looks up at me and smiles, "wait, so you're moving back here?!" She looks up at Charles and he nods. She hugs me and I start to tear up. We let go and Kristen laughs between cries. "Love you." I say and hug her again, "love you too." I kiss her cheek and stand up, "how about you get your homework done and we can have dinner as a family." She smiles and I leave the room holding Charles hand. He kisses me and we walk into the kitchen. "I'll make dinner you can play with the twins." I nod and go to the twins room. I open the door and the twins smile and stand up in their cribs.

Charles' POV: "I'll make dinner and you can play with the twins." She nods and walks to the twins room. I walk around the kitchen trying to see what I can make. I grab the taco shells and beef. I start cooking the meat and Kristen taps my shoulder, "what do you want?" I ask, pointing the spatula at her. She jumps back and smiles, "can I tell my friends about you two?" I shake my head, "no, we haven't even told the CTFxC yet." "PLEASE?! Just Avery! She will promise not to tell anyone." She begs and whines, "Kristen, I said no! Go finish your homework." I point towards her room and she frowns at me, "meanie!" She yells and walks off, "Kristen your not three act like you age!" She yells something and slams her door. Alli comes out minute later and rushes towards me, "why did she just slam her door?!" She asks pointing down the hall. "I kind of told her no when she asked me if she can tell her friends." Alli rolls her eyes, "and she's mad over that? She the first person we told!" "Exactly." I turn around and finish cooking. I take the pan off the stove and call Kristen out from her room. Alli goes to get the twins and Kristen shoves past her. "Excuse you." Alli says and walks to the twins room. Kristen sits at the table and glares at me. I hand her her plate and her cup. She starts eating and I set Alli and I's plate down and put some meat on the twins trays when Alli puts them in their seats. Alli sits next to me and grabs my hand. We start eating and Kristen stares at me, "why are you mad?" I ask taking a bite of my taco. "I don't like you." She takes a bite and crosses her arms. "Kristen." Alli says, stern. Kristen turns her head towards Alli and rolls her eyes. Kristen's phone vibrates and she quickly grabs it. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." She answers a little quickly. "Kristen? Can I see your phone?" Alli holds out her hand to Kristen and she pulls back, "no." Kristen stands up and walks to her room. I stand up but I'm stopped by Alli. "I need to go, she could've told her friends!" Alli sighs, "they will know sooner or later." "But I want them to know later!" I run to Kristen's room and burst through the door. "Kristen, hi." I close the door and sit on her bed. She puts her phone in her lap and looks at me. I scoot closer and quickly grab her phone, "Charles!" I run out of her room and close the door. I run past Alli and go to the other side of the house and into Alli's office. I lock the door and go on her phone. Sure enough she told Avery, Caleb, and Ashton. I unlock the door and put her phone in my pocket. She crosses her arms and stands in front of me. I point to the kitchen, "go sit, I'm done." I walk to my room and hide her phone. I walk back out and sit across from Kristen at the table, "no phone for a week." She crosses her arm and eats her dinner. She quickly finishes and goes to her room. Alli turns towards her and sighs, "she told her friends?" I nod and put my head in my hands. "I can't believe her!" Alli puts her hand on my back, "she's thirteen, what do you expect?" "For her to listen!" I stand up and put our dishes in the sink. Alli stands up and gets the twins out of their seats. They run off and she follows them. I clean their trays and walk around the kitchen. Alli comes back out and comes up to me. "Kristen locked her door." I shrug an smile at Alli. "Love you." I kiss her and sigh, "I need to edit so I guess this is goodnight." She kisses me and smiles, "where should I sleep..? Would it still be weird?" I shake my head an hug her. She grabs her laptop and walks to our room. I go to my office and edit tomorrows vlogs, there is going to be tons of hate...


Long chapter!! I love long chapters! Ok well I just want to say I hope Charles is happy with the new Allie, to me she sounds hilarious! BELGIAN CHOCOLATE COOKIES!!! Chocolate stuffed hot dogs/vanilla stuffed hot dogs. Charles seems really happy with her and I'm glad. Make sure you comment ideas vote and tell your friends! Xoxo

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