Going home

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Chapter twenty-nine

Kristen's POV: we decided to eat at Taco Bell. I got just a normal taco with a come and Aunt Melissa got the same. "Are you glad your dad is coming home?" I nod and take the last bites of my taco. We go back to the car and drive back to the hospital. I hate the hospital so much. I've been here to many times. We walk into Charles' room and I get texts from Avery but I can't read them. "Ok mr. Trippy you are allowed to leave your hospital bed and go to you bed at home." The nurse says so we start packing up his things. The doctor helps him with all of the wires and we all walk out of the hospital as a family.

Once we arrive home I go straight to my room and look at Avery's texts.

'Hey how's it going? Your mom texted me and told me that Charles is coming home. We need to have a sleepover tonight got it?'

I answer her back, ' ok I will ask my parents right now. I don't know if we are allowed to because he just came back home. Txt you soon.'


I lock my phone and go to the living room to find Alli and Charles sitting together on the couch. "Hey... I have a question..." I say rocking back and forth on my feet. "Ok? What is it?" Alli asks waiting for an answer. I sigh and continue, "can Avery sleepover tonight?" Charles pinched the skin between his eyes and Alli sighs, "Charles just got back and you want someone over?" She says kind of annoyed. "Please! I haven't seen her in forever and I'm sick of not seeing anyone! It's summer I should be having fun not going to the hospital visiting Charles after his third surgery!" I march into my room and slam the door.

'I just yelled at my parents... Probably no sleepover, sorry.'

'Why did you yell at them?'

'Im sick of going to the hospital and seeing my dad hooked up in wires! It's summer I should be swimming and staying up all night with my friends but I'm not!'

'Kristen! Do you even care about your parents? They do so much for you and you treat them like shit! They saved your life and this is what you do in return?! Text me back when you are less ignorant.'

And with that there is no more Avery... I hear a knock on my door revealing a very upset Alli. "Kristen... Are you ok?" I look up at her and lock my phone quickly. "What was that?" She asks pointing at my phone. "Nothing... Don't worry about it." She sighs and holds out her hand, "let me see it." I give up trying and hand her my phone. "Password?" I look up at her and sigh, "2111," she unlocks my phone and goes into my apps and reads Avery's texts I'm guessing. She sits next to me and hugs me. "Are you ok?" She asks me, still holding me tight. "Yes, I'm fine." She sighs, "liar. You aren't ok." She let's go of me and stands up. "Here." She hands me my phone and leaves the room, closing my door. "Get some sleep." She says peeking her head in then closing it again. I go on my phone and look at my texts. Alli texted Avery back,

'Avery, please don't talk to my daughter like that. She needs someone right now when we can't be there for her. Don't just leave her alone. You are like a sister to her and you helped her through hard times. Just open your door and help her.


I smile at my phone then lock it. Time to go to sleep. I close my eyes and don't wake up till another ten hours.

11:30 A.M.

I wake up and look at my phone. A text from Avery.

'Ok I just won't bother her anymore. She is being ignorant and she needs to stop. Goodbye Kristen. Goodbye Alli. Goodbye Charles. Goodbye Trippys.

P.S. Kristen if you stop complaining about your life I will be your friend. You life is amazing got it? Bye.'

I lock my phone and walk out of my room. "Mom... I have a text... From Avery." I unlock my phone and hand it to Alli. She reads it and just shakes her head. "This shows you that she isn't a true friend. You have other friends anyways right?" I shake my head no and my eyes swell up and I burst into tears. "Come here." She says holding her arms out. I run up to her and hug her tight. She kisses my head and wipes the tears off of my face. Charles comes in the room and grabs some cereal. "What's going on with you two?" He asks us as we let go of each other. "Nothing." We both say and we sit down at our seats. "Whatever." He rolls his eyes and eats his cereal.

"I'm going to Danny's house today. Wanna come?" Charles asks me from outside my door. "Sure. Let me get dressed." I lock my phone and go into my bathroom to take a shower. I put a towel over my curtain so it will be easy to get to and I turn on my shower. I undress and get into the warm shower. I wash my hair and my body then I turn off the water. I grab the towel and wrap it around my body and walk out to my room. I go over to my dresser and pick out a white tank top and some tie dye shorts. I change and walk into my bathroom to blow dry my hair. I put it in a high pony tail and do my make up. I walk out of my room grabbing my chucks and go to the living room to grab my draw stein bag to out my stuff in. I grab my iPad, phone, camera, MacBook and my DS to put in my bag. "Come on Alli! Let's go!" I yell running out the door. "Coming!" She yells pushing the babies out the door. I help get them into their seats and I go in the back. "Off the Danny's house we go!" Charles yells as Alli starts the car. Charles bugs Alli the WHOLE way and when we get there he acts like a kid. "Nice to see you again." Danny says hugging Charles. "And look how old you two are!" Lindsey says picking up the twins. Danny comes over to me and lifts me up. "You've gotten bigger too." He says laughing. I missed him so much! He puts me down and I hug him before walking back over to Charles and Alli. We finally walk inside their small little house and get comfortable. Charles and Danny talk together which means I'm stuck with Alli and Lindsey and the twins. It isn't bad I just wanna talk to Danny and Charles. We have lunch and dinner together then we go home. I haven't gotten any texts from Avery which I'm kind of bummed. Oh well.

We arrive at home and I go straight to my room. I decided to text Avery because I have no one else.

'Please come over. I need you! I miss talking to my bestie. Come in through the window please!'

'Ugh! Are you going to stope being ignorant? I needed you but after you complained I was done!'

'Avery! Please come over!'

'Coming. Unlock your window.'

'Thx see you soon.'

I lock my phone and wait for the secret knock at my window. Once I hear the knock I open my window and let her in. I close the window and lock it. "Thanks." I say hugging her. "Set your stuff right by my bed on that side so they won't see you." She nods and sets her things up on the other side of my be so when the door opens she can go under my bed and not be seen. We get settled in and I hear a knock at my door. "Go under the bed." I whisper as my door opens. "I wanted to say goodnight." Alli says sitting by me on my bed. "Got anymore texts from Avery?" I shake my head and hug her. "Night." I say as she kisses my head and goes to my door. "I saw Avery's stuff. Nice try." She winks and closes the door. Shoot. I will be in trouble tomorrow.


Ok night guys. Hope you like this chapter. Comment ideas, vote and tell your friends. Thanks for 3k reads AND for 100 votes! Night and love you guys.

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