Dancing with Ashton

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Chapter fourty-eight

Kristen's POV: when we arrive at the dance Ashton helps me out of the car and we wait for Caleb and Avery to arrive. Once they arrive we walk in together. We take pictures in the photo booth and we wear crazy hats. We come out of the booth and we hear a slow song begin to play. I grab Ashton's hand and drag him out to the dance floor. I put my hands on his shoulder and he puts his on my waist. It was awkward at first then Avery got Caleb out here. Ashton slowly pulled me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder. When the song finishes is lift my head up and smile at him. He grabs my hand and we walk over to the punch. "Want a drink?" "Sure, thank you." He pours me punch and hands me the cup. "This is a lot of fun!" Avery says running over here. I laugh at her and she pours herself some punch. "There is one more slow song later so be prepared." Ashton says winking. We talk to some of his friends and Caleb and Avery. Finally the slow song comes and we go on the dance floor. We position out hands in the same places as before but we are more comfortable. He slowly pulls me closer then it happens. He pecks my lips with his and the slow song ends. I quickly pull away from him, shocked. I just had my first kiss... My face turns bright red and I walk over to the tables. Avery follows after me and sits next to me. I'm breathing really fast so there is no chance that I am hiding this one. "What happened? You just left Ashton there!" I calm down my breathing and out my hand to my forehead. "He kissed me! It wasn't a major kiss, just a peck but still! If my parents find out I will be in SO much trouble!" "Kristen, calm down! They won't know!" I nod and smile. "It kind of felt good. I got my first kiss!" I stand up and go back over to where I left Ashton. He was still standing there talking to Caleb. He grabs my hand and whispers in my ear, "I'm so sorry, if you get in trouble I take full blame." I smile at him and peck his cheek, "don't worry about it, I liked it." We sway back and forth while everyone around us dance normally.

When the dance ends we all start to pile out of the school. Ashton and I hold each others hands and we walk to his moms car. "Did you two have fun?" His mom asks smiling. "Tons!" I say smiling at Ashton. We get buckled in and she drives me home. When his mom isn't looking he pecks my cheek and I get out of the car. I think we are officially dating! I go into my dad's house and wave bye to Ashton and his mom. "How was it? Did you kiss?" Charles asks sitting across from me at the table. "It was good and no we didn't kiss." I can feel my cheeks get red and Aunt Melissa comes out. "How was it?" "Good." She smiles and grabs my hand. "Why did your face get red?" Charles asks pointing to my cheeks. "I don't know, it's kind if warm in here." Charles shrugs and leaves the room. Aunt Melissa laughs and smiles. "It's 60 degrees in here, it isn't warm. What's going on?" I sigh and lean back in my chair. "Are you going to act like Alli now?" She nods and crosses her arms. "What did Char ask you?" "He asked me if we kissed." "Did you?" I shake my head and lean back in my chair. "Kristen?" She leans up closer to me. "What?" She rolls her eyes at me, "did you, Kristen Trippy, kiss Ashton?" I look down at my hands and don't answer. Aunt Melissa puts her hand under my chin and makes me look at her. "Tell me, please." "I. Didn't. Kiss. Him!" I stand up and walk to my room. I lied to my aunt. I never lie to her! I had to tonight, I can't let her know that I kissed him. Well at least not right now! "Kristen," Charles asks opening my door, "Alli wants you to call her." I sigh and grab my phone and call her,



"Oh hi Kristen, how was the dance?"

"It was loads if fun. I danced with Ashton twice and he hugged me and we held hands about the whole time."

"Did anything happen that I should know about?"

"No, and if anything did happen, let's say kissing, how much trouble would I be in?"

"Loads. You're lucky we let you go with him, so if you kissed you wouldn't be with him anymore."

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