Girls night(with Chaz)

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Chapter eighteen

Kristen's POV: after finishing my shower I change into a short peach dress with tan sandals. I just got this outfit the other day and I'm in love with it. After I dry my hair I pick out outfits for the twins. I get Anna a onesie with a light pink tutu on it and a onesie that looks like a tux for Chaz. I help Alli change them then I have her curl my hair. "Thanks Kristen, I love the outfits." She says curling the last piece of my hair. She has her hair curled too. She's wearing a dark blue dress with black flats. She doesn't want to wear heels until she loses some of her belly she said. I gave her my black bubble necklace to wear and I'm wearing a 'diamond' necklace. It's fake diamonds but I love it. "Ready?" I nod and grab Chaz. She grabs Anna and the baby bag. As we head out of the door I grab Alli's purse and help her put the babies in the car. I set her purse down in the passenger seat and I sit in the back between the twins. "Ok we are going to pick up my mom then head to dinner." I nod and lean back in the seat. (When I said parents I meant her mom) We arrive at her parents house and she goes inside. "Anna shhh. Stop crying!" I yell at Anna. She is getting into a crying fit and won't stop! I try putting a pacifier in her mouth but it won't work. "ALLI!!!" I yell rolling down the window. I hear the door swing open and see her running to the car. "What in the world is wrong?!" She says out of breath. "Anna won't stop crying!" I tell her whining. "Let me see her." She opens my door as I reach over and unbuckle Anna. I hand her to Alli and they go back inside leaving me with Chaz. "Hi Chaz. I'm your older sister, Kristen. I'm not your real sister though. I was brought in by your parents, Charles and Alli Trippy. They are amazing! They have a YouTube channel called CTFxC and it has one million subscribers. That's a big number for you but it's like a lot of baby food containers. You aren't my real brother but I love you like a real brother." I say kissing his cheek. I smile and lean back in my chair waiting for Alli. After about ten minutes Lauren Alli and Anna come out to the car. "There you are. You took to long. I almost walked back home with Chaz but I like my dress to much to walk that far." I laugh as Alli hands Anna over to me so I can buckle her in. "Thanks Kristen, for not leaving the car with Chaz." If she took a few more minutes I wouldn't have been in the car.

We arrive at the restaurant and take our seat. Alli vlogs as we wait for our food to come. "Kristen almost decided to leave the car as my mom Anna and I were in my moms house. She said we took to long." She smiles at me and keeps talking. I don't see how they can vlog everyday I mean I don't do many cool things everyday. The SHAYTARDS have twenty minute videos! I can barely vlog for one minute! I play with Anna before our food comes. "Kristen put away your phone your food is here." Alli says, messing me up on flappy bird. "Ok." I roll my eyes and put my phone away. I grab my fork and eat my food. I got a smoked chicken breast to share with Lauren. Alli got a caesar salad and a burger. The babies have bottles that Alli fed them before we got our food. Once we finished dinner we got desert and then headed home. We first dropped off Lauren then went home. We found Charles asleep on the couch with the tv on. "Awe look at Charles." Alli says to the camera. Charles slowly stirs awake and smiles at us. "Morning Char." Alli says messing with his hair. I go to my room and change into owl pajamas. I grab Anna and Chaz and change them into their pj onesies. I put them in their cribs then go out to the living room and sit next to Alli. "Did they go to sleep?" She asks me, messing with my hair. I nod and lay on her chest. Charles comes over and picks me up to carry me to my room. I push him away and mumble, "bring me a blanket. I'll sleep right here." I smile as he nods and grabs me a blanket. I drift off as I hear the tv come on. They are going to watch a movie probably. I was SO tired.

Alli's POV: I sat on the couch as Kristen put the twins to sleep. I smiled as she came out of her room. "Did they go to sleep?" I ask her after she sits next to me. I mess with her hair and she nods. She lays on my chest and starts to drift off when Charles tried to take her to her room. She mumbles, "bring me a blanket. I'll sleep here." He nods and goes to get her a blanket. Once her brings her one she snuggles closer and he sits on the other side of me. Charles turns the tv on and we watch a movie. "Ok guys," I whisper so I don't wake Kristen and Charles up, "Everyone is asleep even the dogs so I'm the only one up. Kristen is laying on my chest and Charles is laying his head in my lap. Shouldn't the babies be doing that? Not the older ones? Oh well, I guess this is the vlog guys! TOODLES!" I whisper shout the last part and turn off the camera. I love these guys. I pet Charles head as he stirs awake. "I'll take Kristen to bed so you can sleep." I nod and grab the blanket off of Kristen and Charles takes her off my lap. I follow him to her room and open the door. He lays her on her bed and I put the blanket over her, "night sweetie." I say kissing her cheek. We leave her room and close the door. "Time to sleep." I say kissing Charles. "Night." I go to our room and lay on the bed. Hopefully I can sleep a full eight hours. About an out later Charles comes in and we snuggle together. He kisses me and we finally drift off the sleep. Tonight was a good night.


So this chapter was boring. I have no ideas! You guys aren't commenting and I don't know where to go with this book. Should Kristen be bad and go crazy? What should happen? Please comment vote and tell your friends! Bye!

This Couldn't Be Any Other Way (a CTFxC and WTK fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now