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Chapter thirty-seven

Kristen's POV: "wanna watch something else?" I ask Avery who is sprawled out on the floor. She shakes her head and sits up. "Three movies later and you want to watch another one?" She laughs and sits next to me on the couch. "When will Charles be back?" She says as the garage door opens up. "Now!" I say running to the door. "I see you are awake Kristen." Danny says hugging me. "We waited for you." Avery said smiling. "Hey Charles, we have to go but see you soon." Charles nods and hugs him and Lindsey. "Bye Danny." I say hugging him then letting go. "Bye." He hugs me and walks to his car. I feel happier when I am with Danny. It's weird. "So what did you watch?" Charles asks pointing to the tv. "I don't even remember." Avery says falling on the couch. "We watched three movies." I say flopping next to her. "Well I'm editing the vlog and going to bed." Charles says hugging me. "Night." I say and he goes to his office. "What should we do now?" Avery asks sitting up. I shrug and sit up too. "Pull pranks on Charles?" I ask but Avery shakes her head. "Prank call people?" Avery suggests. I shake my head and sigh. "All we think of is pranks." We both laugh and I grab my camera.

"Hey guys! So Avery is over and we have nothing to do. Charles is already asleep and we watched three movies. I guess we will go to bed and see you tomorrow. TOODLES!" I say blowing a kiss to the camera and turning it off. "Wanna get your sleeping bag together?" I ask Avery and she nods. "Ok go to my room." I grab my camera and go to Charles office. "Dad?" I say walking into the office. "Yes Kristen?" He says spinning around in his chair. "I got some footage from tonight. You know, the note that you wrote." I hand him the camera and he watches the video. He laughs and turns off the camera. "Nice." He fist bumps me and I lean on his desk. "Has Alli called?" He asks leaning back in his chair. I shake my head and hug him. "I miss her, a lot." I say between cries. "Me too Kristen, me too." He let's me sit in his lap and he spins around in the chair. "It's almost over. She will come back." I hug him and stand up. "Night." I say wiping my face. "Night." I smile and walk out of his office.

"Kristen? What's wrong?" Avery asks me when I get to the room. "Nothing, I just miss Alli." I say sitting on my bed. "So does everyone else. The CTFxX misses her tons. Some are just rude though." I nod and she sits next to me. "Do you think she will come back?" I ask Avery. "I hope she will but I heard once you fall out of love you can't fall back in..." She says getting quieter towards the end. I shake my head and stand up facing her. "No! That can't happen! They were meant to be!" I say starting to cry. "Kristen. I'm sorry, it's true that can happen. Calm down please." I shake my head and start pacing. "Just be quiet! Don't say anything about Charles and Alli again! This family is perfect! It can't be broken!!" I yell and keep pacing. I hear a knock at my door but I keep pacing. "Kristen, what's wrong?" Charles says and opens the door. I keep shaking my head and pacing. "Nothing. Just go." I sit on the floor and pull my knees to my face. Charles kneels next to me and hugs me. "Is it about me and Alli?" I nod slowly and he sniffles. "Hey, it's ok." I shake my head and look up at him. "Were you crying?" I ask looking at him in the eyes. "Don't worry about it." I back away from him. "What's wrong? You're lying." He stands up and grabs my hand. "Excuse us Avery." Charles says as we walk out of the room. "What's happening?" Charles sits me on the couch and he sighs. "Kristen, please don't over react to what I have to say..." He says sitting next to me. "Alli... Isn't coming home..." He says looking down. I burst into tears and pull my knees to my face and bury my face in between my knees. I feel Charles try to comfort me but I push away. "Get away!! I want Avery to leave!" I hear Charles mumble something and go get Avery. I hear them talking and them both coming out. "I'll call your mom ok Avery?" Charles says. "Ok." Avery comes over to me and hugs me. "I hope everything gets better, text me whenever. I'll be here for you." She let's go and starts talking to Charles. Today is the worst day ever. I hate this!

Once Avery leaves I get up and go over to Charles. "Why? She promised..." I say hugging him tight. He hugs me and let's me cry into his chest. "It's better for us this way. She will get a house around her parents house and she will keep the twins. You will visit her whenever the days are. Once the twins are older they will visit also. Why don't you get some sleep." I nod and go to my room. I decided to text Alli,

'Why? You promised! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!'

I send the message and lock my phone. I pull the blankets over me and close my eyes. Before I drift off I hear my phone buzzing. Caller ID 'Allison' and I pick up.


'Kristen, please don't be mad, I will come home tomorrow to get the rest of my things.'

'Ok, but I'm still mad! You promised me that you would come back!! And you won't! You will have a whole new house... A... A new Charles...'

I hang up not wanting to talk anymore. I lock my phone and drift off.


Hey guys! Yesterday was my birthday! I got so many things and tomorrow in having a few friends over! I might write another chapter because I already watched all of the vlogs I watch besides Datevs. Comment ideas vote and tell your friends! Xoxo

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