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*throwback to easter*

Chapter thirty-five

Easter morning with the family.

"Kristen, Anna, Chaz! We have a surprise for all of you." Alli yells from the front room. The three Trippy kids get out of their beds, two of them having help from Kristen, the oldest. "Morning everyone." Kristen says hugging her parents. The three kids sit down on the couch and wait for the surprise. Charles smiles at everyone and speaks, "it's easter everyone! Which means we are having out family over and you guys get to get high on candy!" Everyone laughs and Charles pulls out the camera to vlog. Alli held the twins, Anna and Chaz, as they all walked to the car. "We are going to my parents house and then Charles' parents are coming over." Alli says buckling in Anna. Kristen buckles in Chaz and they drive to Lauren Speed's house.

Once everyone arrives at Lauren's house the kids, Kristen, Chaz, and Anna, sit down in the living room and get ready to get their baskets. "Ok remember you might have different candies then your siblings so don't take your brother or sisters candies, got it?" Mama Trippy says to the kids. The three kids nod and each one gets handed their own baskets. Kristen's face lights up with joy followed by two expressionless babies. Their aim faces are hilarious to everyone, especially Kristen. After they get all of the candy out of their baskets they start eating the candy. "Thank you mom." Kristen says standing up to hug Alli. "Your welcome." Alli hugs her back and they all talk for a while. "Ok kids, let's go home." Alli says followed by three sighs. "We have a big day tomorrow." Alli says and the kids look at her. "What is it?" Kristen says staring at her. "You will figure it our tomorrow." Once they all get home the kids go straight to bed. "Night mom, night dad." The three kids say and they go to bed.

*next morning* 6:30 a.m.

Kristen's POV:

"Kristen, it's time for school." Alli says opening my curtain. "The sun! It's to bright." I say covering my eyes. "Too bad, get used to it." I sigh and stand up. "Leave my room. I'm changing." I say shooing Alli out of my room. She crosses her arms an leaves my room. "Don't fall back to sleep." She says closing my door but leaving it open a crack. I flop down on my bed and close my eyes.

6:50 ten minutes before the bus comes

"KRISTEN! Are you awake?!" Alli yells from the front of the house. I jump up and yell back, "yes!" She comes in my room with a furious look on her face and crossed arms. "Kristen Cole Trippy! You should have been ready by now!" "I'm sorry mom... I lost track of time." She comes closer to me, "you went back to sleep didn't you?" She asks really mad. I nod and look down at my feet. "Get changed! NOW!" I jump when she slams my door shut and I grab a school shirt and some jeans. I grab my school bag and chucks and run out the door of my room. I put on my shoes and grab a piece of toast. "Bye dad, bye mom." I say and run out the door." I see my bus driving away as I finally reach the bus stop. "No wait!" I yell but it's useless. I put my head down and walk back home. "Kristen! Your supposed to be at school!" Alli says still mad. "I'm sorry... I need a ride... Missed the bus..." Alli crosses her arms and glares at me. "You can walk. It's a quarter mile away from here. Have fun." She smirks and I stand there frozen. "Wait, what? Why? You can drive!" I sit down in the closet chair and shake my head. "I'm not walking." "Then run." She keeps her arms crossed and sits down. She leans back in the chair and waits for me to leave. " fine! But I'm getting you back!" I run out of the houses slamming the door. I run till I reach the school. I don't know why she did this to me but I'm mad. "Kristen what's wrong?" Avery asks me once I get to my locker. "Alli made me walk to school." "Why?" I shrug and grab my things for first period. "I slept in too late and missed the bus." Avery laughs and we walk to our first period classes. Mine is social studies.


Time for lunch. I go to my locker and put away my things. "Great, I don't have a lunch..." I mumble to myself and slam my locker shut. I walk down the hall to find Avery but I can't find her. This rude teacher starts yelling at us because we were moving to slow. Stupid teachers. "Kristen! Wait!" I turn around and see Avery at her locker. "Hey. Do you have five dollars?" She shakes her head. "Sorry." I shrug and we walk to lunch together. "So how much homework do you have?" "Three sheets for each class. I don't wanna do them though." I say laying my head on the table. "Here." Avery hands me a bag of chips. "Thanks." I eat the chips and we hear the bell for fifth period. Fourth period is our lunch. I stand up and make sure I'm the first down the hallway. I go to my locker and get my fifth period things. I have this period with the school bully, Ashleigh. She's horrible and I sit next to her. Sixth grade is the worst year. I walk into Mr. Taylor's room for math. I sit down and I'm greeted by a "warm" welcome, "how was your day, bitch." I glare at her and take out my textbook. "Hello? You? Can you hear me? I'm trying to talk to you!" I roll my eyes and write the answers down from the textbook page. "HELLO?!" She yells poking me, "you know what? Your annoying! SHUT UP AND WORK IDIOT!!" I yell and of course Mr. Taylor comes in. "Kristen Trippy. Principals office now!" "But Ashleigh-" "no buts! GO!" He points to the door and I grab my stuff. I walk past several eighth graders who laugh at me. "Shut it." I mumble and walk into the front office. I go to the principals office and sit down. "Good afternoon, Kristen. How was your day?" I glare at him. "Wonderful. My favorite part was going to the sarcastic principals office." I laugh at my own little sarcasm joke and he crosses his arms. "Why are you up here?" " I yelled at Ashleigh Bronx..." " I called your mother, she is coming to get you. You can leave." I stand up and go to my locker to get my bag and them go to the front office and wait. "Kristen." Alli says grabbing my arm softly. "What happened?" I sigh and look up at her. "I'll tell you in the car, let's go." She checks me out and we go to the car. "What did you do?" I sigh and mess with my thumbs. "KRISTEN! NOW!" She says angry and starts the car. "I yelled at Ashleigh because she called me a B-I-T-C-H..." Alli gasps and looks over at me. "Really?" I nod and sigh again. "I don't believe you." She says still driving. "Why?! I'm your daughter why don't you believe me?" "Because I can't!" She says and the conversation ends. I get out of the car once we get home and lay on my bed. "Kristen what's wrong?" Charles ask coming in my room. "Nothing, I'm fine." I wipe my eyes and sit up. "Kristen. Tell me." "No, nothing's wrong!" He sits on my bed and pulls me in for a hug. "Kristen, you can tell me anything." "Fine, Alli doesn't believe me. She thinks I'm lying!" He hugs me and stands up. "It's ok, at least you got out of school." I shrug and he leaves the room. I feel so left out in the world. Like I don't know it's weird. Alli, my mom figure, doesn't believe me and neither does Charles. I decide to leave my room for once and confront Alli. "Alli. We need to talk." I say walking into the living room. "What about?" "The conversation in the car." She shake her head, "that conversation is over we aren't talking about it anymore. Got it?" I cross my arms. "No I don't got it! I'm done with you not listening to me! You never believe me anymore! WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO FOR YOU TO BELIEVE ME?!" I yell not giving her a chance to answer. "Alli, please listen for once! I didn't start it! Ashleigh did! She has been bullying me since I've gone to school! She calls me a bitch and tells me how stupid I am and how stupid you two were to take me in! She is one of those subscribers that hate on everyone!! I hate her for it and she hates me! I get greeted everyday in fifth period with a, 'how was your day so far, bitch?' I HATE IT AND IM DONE!!" I dramatically leave the room and go to my own. I slam the door and lock it so I can cry in peace. I hate everything right now! I lay on my bed and cry myself to sleep.


Hope you liked the throw back. I decided to have her be in sixth grade instead if fifth it made more since. Make sure to comment ideas and vote. Also have a wonderful easter🐰🐣 xoxo

This Couldn't Be Any Other Way (a CTFxC and WTK fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant