Two years later

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Chapter nineteen

Kristen POV: it's almost my thirteenth birthday! In two days, May 23, I will be thirteen. The twins are two years old and they are crawling all around the house we have a new puppy named Chico. Alli found him on the side if the road about a year ago. We decided to keep him and I love him! He is my cuddle buddy. Him and Marley play all the time. "Sissy!" I hear Anna shout while crawling into my room. She can talk more than Chaz. We home around and say she got the smart gene from Alli and Chaz is a replica of Charles. Which he kind of is. He looks so much like Charles just he doesn't have that blonde hair that Charles had. "Hi Anna." I say picking her up. Their nursery is so adorable. It's a yellow room with Anna on one side and Chaz on the other. They have the blanket on their play pen that a CTFxCer made. Chaz gets in trouble all the time you can never trust him at all. They are starting to walk a little bit to! Which is kind of bad when we go out. "Kristen where's Anna?" Alli asks from the kitchen. "I have her!" I shout back opening my door. "Can you come out here please we need to talk." I sigh and walk out holding Anna. I put her in her high chair and I sit across from Alli and Charles. "What do you want to talk to me about?" Alli looks at Charles and speaks, "well you will be going into middle school next year and we were thinking of home schooling you..." I was put into school last year so I'm in fifth grade this year which I should be in sixth but oh well I went back a year. I have amazing friends so I don't want to be home schooled. "No please I don't wanna be home schooled! I wanna stay in school!" I practically shout. "Well don't people bully you for having YouTube stars as parents?" I nod, "so? Gavin, Avia, Emmi, Brock, and Daxton get bullied sometimes but they still go to school!" If you don't know who they are they are from SHAYTARDS. They are SonTard, PrincessTard, BabyTard, RockTard, and BroTard. I met them last year at VidCon. I also met Shay and Colette. "Well, that are also thinking of home schooling because they think it will be easier. This is why we think it would be better." Charles looks at Alli and says, "we are going to playlist!" I gasp and smile really wide. "Shay and Colette are coming too! It's also right before Warped then I have to world tour." Charles says smiling. "But that's during summer?" "Well the world tour isn't. It's during school. We were thinking if you don't want to go you can stay at Alli's parents, Lindsey's, or even shays. They said it would be fine." "Really?! I could stay with the SHAYTARDS?!" Charles nods and looks at Alli. "This will be the first playlist with a family." Alli says. "When are we leaving?" I ask them. "We will leave in three days. So a day after your birthday." I frown because I wanted to go to playlist on my birthday but oh well. I hug them then I pick up Chaz and put him on the floor because he was trying to climb out of the high chair. I pick up Anna and do the same. "I'm going to call Shay I'll be back." Alli says leaving the room. "So... What do you want for your birthday Kristen?" We legally changed my last name to Trippy. I like it better than my last name. Kristen Cole Trippy. "I don't know, maybe a vlogging camera." I smile at him and wink. "Or a better phone." I look down at my iPhone 4. I hate it. "Hint hint, I like the gold iPhone 5s. And the red Canon camera." I smile at him and play with the twins. They look a lot alike but Anna looks more like Alli and Chaz looks more like Charles. I look like nobody. Well I shouldn't really because I'm not their daughter. I pick up Chaz and start tickling him. He giggles and tries pushing me away. I out him down and he crawls to Charles crying. He's a cry baby. I pick up Anna and walk to my room. She smiles at me and reaches for my hair. "No Anna, don't grab my hair." I pull away and grab some of her toys. She grabs them and shakes them. The good thing is, Charles hasn't had a seizure since last year. It was a bad one too. He hurt his head and had temporary amnesia. It was scary because he kept yelling at Alli to get away from him. She didn't want the twins to see him like this so they stayed at home with her parents or my 'grandparents'. "Kristen? Where is Chaz?" Alli ask peeking her head in my room. "He was crying and crawled over to Charles because I tickle him but maybe he is outside.." Her eyes widen and she run to the kitchen. Sure enough Chaz was outside sitting under the table playing with his feet. "CHAZ COLE TRIPPY!!" I heard Alli scream all the way from my room. "YOU SCARED ME! Don't ever do that again!" I hear him scream and start crying. He is so stupid sometimes. Anna giggles and says, "Chaz in twouble!" I nod and say, "yep he is. He is stupid." I cover my mouth after I say stupid. Great Anna will repeat it so I will get in trouble... "Stupid!" Anna says giggling. Wonderful.. "Chaz stupid?" I shake my head. "No he is smart." She nods and wanders out of my room. I hear her say something to Alli then my door slams open with a frustrated Alli standing in my doorway. "Kristen. Cole. Trippy. Why did Anna just say stupid?" I shrug, "man Charles always says bad things in front of the kids." I shake my head and she walks closer to me grabbing my phone. "You missy, will get this back in a week! If you say that word in front of either kid you will get grounded. You hear me?!" I nod and look down. "You shouldn't be depressed! You did this to yourself! And DON'T blame anything on Charles again!" She walks out grabbing my DS and slams the door shut. Their goes having a fun birthday. I lay on my bed for the next few hours until I decide to go out of my room. Once I leave my room I walk to the living room and hear Charles and Alli laughing. Probably video taping the twins doing something. Sure enough they had the camera out videoing Anna for no apparent reason. "Hi.." I say sitting next to Charles. Alli looks over at me and gives me a stern look. "I heard you got grounded for saying something in front of your sister." Charles says as I frown. I nod and look away. Charles turns off the camera and looks at me. "Don't blame that stuff on me. Alli told me the whole thing." I can feel my face getting red from embarrassment. "Ok rules, no tv, no phone, no DS, no laptop, no hanging out with friends etc." I nod and stand up. I walk to my room closing the door behind me. I hear a scratch at my door and open it to see Chico standing outside it. "Hi Chico. Come on in." I say letting him in. He runs in and jumps on my bed. I close the door and go to my bed. I snuggle with Chico and start falling asleep. I realize I will be watched closely at playlist. This is going to suck.


Ok I still need ideas but I'm slipping out of writers block. Which I good because then I can write more chapters. Just make sure to comment vote and tell your friends!

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