Danny and Lindsey

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Chapter fourty-three

Kristen's POV: I hug Charles one more time and stand up when I hear a knock. "I got it." I say skipping to the door. "Hi Danny!" I hug him then Lindsey. "Hey." Danny hugs me back and we all walk inside. Lindsey closes the door and they get greeted by Charles. I walk over to the set table and wait for everyone to sit then I sit. "Thank you for coming on short notice." Charles says smiling. "Anytime Charles, we will always be here for you." I sigh and mumble, "Alli won't." I feel a nudge to my arm and look at Charles. "Stop Kristen have fun tonight." I roll my eyes and put a fake smile on my face. "Thank you." Charles says, whispering. We all talk and eat until it's time for them to leave. We say our goodbyes and we all hug. Once they leave I clean the table. "Why did you say that?" Charles says, leaning on the counter. "Say what?" I finish cleaning the table and I sit on the counter across from him. "The whole Alli thing." I shrug and kick my feet. "Kristen, she will be here when I need her and I will be there for her. Just please I'm trying to move on and your not helping." I roll my eyes and lean back. "Kristen, stop! Since Alli isn't here anymore I have to step up my punishing game! Stop rolling your eyes at me, got it?!" I nod and look at my hands. "Go to your room, please." I nod and jump off the counter. "Night." I mumble and go to my room. I slam the door and lay on my bed. I decided to go to sleep since my phone was in the living room.

"Kristen, you need to pack for Alli's so you don't have to later." Alli's? Wait what? "What do you mean Alli's? I go in like three days." "Well you shouldn't be me now pack some, please." I sigh and start packing. "Don't start either." Charles says leaving my room. I roll my eyes once he leaves and stop packing. "I'll pack tomorrow." I lay on my bed and sigh. I hate this. All of it. It was worth all of the bad stuff, then again it wasn't worth it. Is this the end? No it isn't cause everything isn't happy. Isn't there a saying like 'if the end isn't happy, then it's not the end'? Close enough I don't know. I get up and walk to the living room. "Thanks Kristen." I nod and sit at the table. He brings me some cereal and sits across from me. "What's up?" "Nothing." He sighs and eats some food. "Why don't you tell me anything anymore? Why are you so secretive?" I shrug and eat my cereal. "Kristen, what's wrong? Why don't you tell me anything?" "You wanna know why," I stand up and slam my hands on the table, "I don't want anymore promises that someone made to me to be broken ok? Almost every promise Alli accepted SHE BROKE THEM!" He sighs and nods. "I'm sorry, some prom-" "STOP WITH THAT SAYING!!! That's what Alli said!!! I hate that saying so much!!! I hate it more then this whole divorce thing!!! I'M DONE!!!" I sit down not wanting to go to my room. "Kristen, I'm sorry. You can go to your room if you want to." I finish my bowl of cereal and push it away. "Bye." I march out of the house to the backyard. I sit on the grass and take a deep breath. I need to relax. I need a break. I'm done. I lay back on the grass and stare at the sky. I can't believe I'm thinking about this, but what would it be like up there? In heaven, what's it like? I sigh and keep looking at the sky. I shake the thought away when I hear Charles come out. I sit up and stare at him. "Go away." I stay turning towards the lake. He comes and sits next to me and puts his arm around me. I push it away and scoot farther from him. He sighs and leans backwards. "It's a pretty day." Charles says. "Shut up. I go out here to be alone and you have to ruin it..." He sighs and turns towards me. "Want Avery to come over?" I nod and he goes inside. "She will be here in a few." "Send her out here when she comes." Avery always calms me down. Once Avery arrives she sits next to me and hugs me. I hug her back and cry. "Avery, I don't know what to do anymore! I'm done. With everything!" "Kristen, calm down. Just tell me what you were thinking." I take a deep breath and lay on the grass, she does the same. "Well, I was thinking, what is it like up there? Is it fun? Should I go?" She jumps up and stares at me. "Kristen! Don't think that!" I sit up also and look at her. "I mean, really. Haven't you thought that?" She shakes her head. "Don't do it, Kristen. You won't only hurt me but you will hurt one million people." I look at her confused. "The CTFxC. Your parents." "But I would see my mom." I look over at her and squint my eyes. "You would see one but hurt millions! Don't do it!" She sands up and rushes inside. I follow behind her. "I'm taking these, all of them." She takes all of the medicine besides Charles' chemo. "What are you doing?" Charles asks. Avery shakes her head and shoves them in a bag. "Watch her, please." Avery wipes her eyes and leaves the house. "Bye Kristen, be good, please." She closes the door and Charles points to the table. "What was that about?" Charles asks, stern. I shake my head and lay my head in my hands. "Not now." I say shaking my head. Charles grabs my hands and pulls them away from my face. "Wee you thinking about... Killing yourself...?" I slowly nod and stand up. "Stay put, Kristen." I sit back nod and sigh. Now I will be watched closely. "What am I going to be with you? Should I send you to Alli's house?" I shrug and look up at him. He points to the hallway. "Get your bag for Alli's. Your going." He grabs his phone to call Alli and I get my bag. I finish packing and hear a knock. "Bye, love you," Charles says kissing my head, "be safe, ok?" I nod and go to Alli's car. "Kristen, hi." Alli smiles and starts backing out of the driveway. "DON'T bring the reason I'm here up ok?" I ask looking at her. She nods and we keep driving till we turn into Alli's driveway. I get out and grab my bag. "Let's go in. There is someone here to see you." Alli says opening the door. I'm greeted by a girl, the same age as Alli dark hair, and freckles. "DATEV!!!" I run to her and hug her. "Kristen I missed you!" I pull myself away from her and smile. "I missed you too! Where's Kevin?" "He's on a road trip with Sam." Datev answers. The last time I saw Datev was last year around Christmas. She vlogs so Alli will be in her vlogs for a month. We all sit down and play with Chico and the twins. "What's for lunch?" I ask Alli. "I have a salad that Datev brought over, so we can eat that." I nod and smile. This is the first time I have been happy today. I go get some salad and start eating. "Want a drink?" Alli asks me. "No I'm fine." I smile and eat some more food. Once I finish I put my dish in the sink and sit next to Alli. "I'm bored." I say when I hear the doorbell ring. "COME IN!!!" Alli screams and you hear two voices. Yuki and uncle Justin walk in and sit on the floor. "Now the party has started!" Justin says smiling. We all play with the twins and Chico till the boys have to go. "Bye Justin." Alli says hugging him. "Bye." Uncle Justin says and hugs me. "Bye." I hug him back and we all hug Yuki. Once the boys leave Datev has to leave also. "Bye Datev." I say hugging her. "Bye, good luck." She says hugging me. She goes over to Alli and hugs her. "Bye, see you tomorrow." Alli nods and she leaves. "Ok let's go to our rooms!" Alli says to the twins. Anna holds up her hands and so does Chaz. Alli picks up both of them and goes to their room. I go to mine, followed by Chico, and lay down. "Night Chico." I hug Chico and fall to sleep.


Hi! Ok so I have a good idea for the next chapter. I will probably write it later to night or tomorrow night IDK! Ok well vote and tell your friends because this book is amazing! Right? Right. Xoxo bye

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