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Chapter fifty-six

Charles POV: it's been a week since the video was uploaded. Kristen is allowed to go on Instagram and twitter now since it has all passed. Kristen seems better and we are getting along. "Kristen, time for school. You have to get up or you will be late." Now that Chico's home Kristen has been sleeping way better than before. It's like Chico's her security blanket, they sleep together every night. Kristen whines and rolls to face me. "Just five more minutes." "Kristen, please wake up." She whines and rolls away. I set the vlogging camera on her bed stand and turn it on. I get a water bottle and pour it on her. "Morning!" She screams and jumps up. "Now I have to get up!" She gets up and grabs clothes. She goes into the bathroom and I grab the camera and face it towards me, "success!" I say holding my arm up, pumping it. "What did you do Charles?" Alli asks, hands on her hips. "Nothing..." I look at the camera and laugh, "ok I might've poured water on Kristen because she didn't get up." Alli laughs and I turn off the camera. She kisses my cheek and hands me some toast. "Thank you." I kiss her and sit down. Kristen comes out trying not to laugh. "Thanks, now I'm awake." She sits down and eat breakfast with us. "So what are you going to do today at school?" Alli asks, sitting next to me. "I don't know, get homework?" She shrugs and throws away her plate, "I have to go, bye." She kisses our cheeks and leaves the house, "ever since Chico came back she is in such a good mood." Alli nods in agreement. We finish eating and throw away our plates, "time for a normal day." I say and we walk to our separate offices.

Kristen's POV: I get on the bus and sit next to Ashton since Avery isn't here. "How was your night?" Ashton asks putting in his earbuds, "eh, average." I take out my phone and get my headphones, "shit, hey Ashton?" "Yea?" "Wanna share music?" He gives me a look and shakes his head, "I don't like to share music." I cross my arms and put my phone back. "Please?" He shakes his head and puts his other earbud in. We sit together in silence, not holding hands. He doesn't even look at me. The bus jerks to a stop and I get off not waiting for Ashton. "Kristen, wait." Ashton runs up behind me and tries grabbing my hand. I pull it away and look at him. "What? Don't wanna hold hands?" "No, you are being stubborn lately." He glares at me, confused. "What do you mean?" "Your being an ass and I don't wanna date someone like you." We keep walking and finally make it into school. "Kristen, come on it was just headphones!" "No! It wasn't just headphone! You didn't even help me with homework when I helped you the week before with yours! You don't even run with me in gym anymore! You barely text me! Your one of those jealous freaks that be my friend only because of my parents!! I'm done!" "Kristen! Wait we can figure something out!" He grabs my shoulder. I turn around and point a finger at him, "no we can't! I don't want to figure this out! We are done! You can go date and make out with some other girl!!" I walk down our hall ignoring him even though he is screaming my name. I go to my locker and get my first period things. I go into homeroom wiping my eyes. Rylan looks at me, concerned. "Everything ok?" I nod, pulling a fake smile. She smiles and secretly goes on her phone. I go on mine and Ashton sent me a text. I block and delete his number. I'm over him. I lock my phone and pull out my book. I read until first period starts and I go sit in my seat. There is no one to sit next to me which sucks. First period passes by slowly then on to second. I go in and I'm not looking forward to this class. I sit next to Ashton and frown at him, "did you get my text?" I shake my head and take out my text book. Ashton taps my shoulder but I ignore him. Second passes then third. Lunch then comes and I sit at Reagan and Rylans table. Ashton stares at me the whole time. After lunch comes gym, then fifth and sixth. During sixth I talk to Caleb but not Ashton. Mr. Clark gives us out homework and we go to our lockers. I go back into his room and text my dad,

'Can you come and pick me up? I don't want to ride the bus.'

'Alli will because I still can't drive, but anything wrong?'

This Couldn't Be Any Other Way (a CTFxC and WTK fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now