Not happy

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Chapter thirty-two

Kristen's POV: we get home and we go inside to find Charles sleeping on the couch. "Look." I say laughing and pointing at him. She laughs and walks over to him. "Is he filming himself?" I ask her because he has a camera in front of him. "Yea." She turns off the camera and starts to edit the vlog. She sits at the computer and talks to the camera. "Ok guys so Charles fell to sleep on the couch. That's it for the vlog. Sorry about not being in the vlog today, I was spending time with Kristen today. I promise I will be in the vlog more tomorrow. Night guys! TODDLES!" She turns off the camera and edits the rest of the vlog. "I'm going to my room. Night." I kiss her cheek and go to my room. I lay on my bed and close my eyes.

Alli's POV: I decide to wake Charles up before I went to bed. "Char, wake up." He stretches and sits up on the couch. "I just wanted to tell you I was home before I went to bed." He pats the spot next to him but I reject the offer. "What's wrong?" I sit across from him an put my hands in my lap. "It's just will you be mad about this?" "About what?" "Guess." "Uh, I don't know," he puts his finger on his mouth like he's thinking, "Oh by the way! Did you vlog today?" "I look up and him and frown, "no... That's what I wanted to talk about..." He stands up and acts like he's angry at me. "You didn't vlog?! You said you would vlog!!" I stand up too and walk towards the kitchen. "Yes I did say I would vlog but you know what? I didn't! Life isn't all about the vlog Charles! We have a life outside of the internet! Well at least I do!!" He crosses his arms and follows me to the kitchen. I did promise I was going to vlog I just forgot. "Charles. Why are you mad? Today was a good day, but I forgot to vlog. We still have a video though!" He rolls his eyes and sits down at the table. "CHARLES! BE MAD I DONT CARE ANYMORE! It's just a vlog!" I walk to our room and slam the door shut. Charles never came in the room. I'm guessing he slept on the couch. I decide to get up and go to Kristen's room. "Kristen? May I come in?" I hear some sniffling and a door unlock. I open the door and she immediately falls into my arms. I walk her over to her bed and sit down. "You promised!" She said crying into my chest. I shake my head. "I'm sorry. Some promises are meant to be broken. We can't be happy forever." She sits up, still crying, and says, "but you promised! If you didn't want your children to hear then why do you fight ten feet away from our rooms! I heard all of it and I wish I hadn't!" She stands up and leaves her room. I feel so bad. I wish I did vlog yesterday. I stand up and leave her room. Charles is on the couch watching tv and Kristen is sitting with him. He turns around and glares at me mouthing, "we need to talk." I sit down next to Kristen and we watch tv for a little bit. "Kristen, why don't you go lay down, you look tired." Charles says kissing the top of her head. She nods and stands up walking to her room. Once she closes the door Charles speaks, "we need to talk." I scoot to the corner of the couch and pull my knees to my chest. "About what?" "About our future... I mean, will we be with each other still?" I shrug, kind of shocked that he is saying this.

Kristen's POV: "Kristen, why don't you go lay down, you look tired." Charles says kissing the top of my head. I nod and stand up to go to my room. Once I close the door and walk to my bed and turn on my tv. If they fight I don't want to hear it. I go out if my bathroom door so they won't hear me and I sneak to the twins room. "Hey you two, wanna come in my room?" They both stand up and nod. I pick them both up and walk to my room quickly. "Morning sissy." Chaz says hugging me as I set him down. "Morning." I make a little area for them to sleep on my bed and I lay them on my bed. I laid on my side and fell to sleep for awhile. It felt so good to close my eyes, not worrying about anything.

Alli's POV: "so you think... We should... Separate?" I ask him with tears forming at my eyes. He nods and I see a tear roll down his face. I go closer to him and hug him. "Promise me this one thing," I say pulling away and putting my hand on top of his, "promise me that we can work this out and we won't end up going downhill anymore. We have to stay together through everything. And we have to still be friends. We can't abandon the CTFxC or our kids. I love you Charles." I hug him one more time and I go back to my spot on the couch. "Our forever didn't last forever..." Charles says wiping the tears off of his face. I stand up and walk to Kristen's room. I open the door and find that she is asleep. I can't believe the kids are going to go through this... I smile at the sleeping kids and I go to the living room again. "How about we tell the kids tomorrow. Then I will leave. I will text Datev to see if I can stay with her." Charles nods and we start to make breakfast.


Ok so I have one more test tomorrow and then it will be the weekend. You know what that means?! More updates! Yay!! Comment ideas vote and tell your followers! I LUV you guys so much! Xoxo

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