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Chapter fourty-one

Kristen's POV: I wake up to my phone buzzing. When I grabbed my phone it went to voicemail. "Unknown number? Who could that be?" I listen to voice mail to see who it is,

"Hey Kristen... It's your dad. You know the one who left you when you were a baby. I'm sorry I never called you sooner but I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I heard you are staying with the Trippys? I hope all goes well and I would really like to see you again. Love, your father."

I cover my mouth and start crying. I haven't heard from him in years. I go out to the living room and sit on the couch next to Charles. "Morning." Charles says hugging me. "Morning." I say wiping my eyes. "What's wrong?" I turn to face him and look at my phone. "My dad called me this morning... My real dad... He wants to meet me soon." Charles hugs me. "Do you wanna see him?" "Yes but what if he wants to take me?" "Kristen, he won't ok? I'll go with you if you wanna go." I smile and hug him back. "Should I?" Charles shrugs and sighs. "Alli's coming over later. She's picking you up because I have practice at Travis'." "But I don't wanna go with her. I can go to Travis' can't I?" Charles shakes his head. "You need to go with Alli, please." I sigh and stand up. "Ok. I'm going to call my dad back." I walk to my room and close my door. I call my dad but it goes to voicemail.

"Hey dad, it's Kristen. I would love to meet you soon but Charles is coming with me. Alli might also come without the twins. I would like to catch up and maybe hang out more. I hope to see you soon, bye."

I hang up and lay in my bed. I can't believe my dad called me... I wait till Charles calls me out of my room for lunch. "I heard you weren't eating at Alli's." Charles says placing a full plate of food in front of me. I nod, "I wasn't hungry. I wasn't trying to starve myself." I eat my food and my phone buzzes. "It's my dad." I say picking up my phone. "Answer." Charles says nodding towards my phone. I answer the phone and go to the pool area.


"Hi, is this Kristen?"


"I heard you wanted to see me? And whose this Charles and Alli?"

"Oh it's who I live with. How about Taco Bell, this Wednesday?"

"Sure what time and where?"

"Hold on." I yell to Charles what time we should meet on Wednesday. "6:30ish!" Charles yells back.

"What time?"

"Around 6:30, and the one on (insert location here).See you then. Love you, bye."

I hang up and go back to the table. "So Wednesday at Taco Bell 6:30?" I nod and finish eating my food. "You want Alli to come?" I shrug. "I'll ask her tonight. Am I staying for the night." "Yes, I'm staying at Travis' for the night." I sigh and eat some more food, "ok. I'll go pack." I walk to my room and pack my bag. "Charles? When am I leaving?" "4:30, you are having dinner at her house." "Ok thanks." I grab all of my electronics, besides my phone, and put them in my bag. I grab a pair of pajamas and some clothes for tomorrow. I get my makeup, straightener, tooth brush and toothpaste, and my pillow. I put all of my things by the door and sit at the counter. "I don't wanna go to Alli's." "Well you are, get used to it." I sigh and go on my phone. "Wanna swim?" Charles asks covering my phone up. "No, I can swim at Alli's house." I move his hand away from my phone and text Avery. "Wanna get thrown in the lake?" Charles asks locking my phone. "No, I can do that at Alli's house." "You can?" I nod and put my phone away. "Her house is on the lake, has a pool, has stairs, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, large kitchen and dining room and a huge living room. My room is also massive." I sigh and lay my head on the counter. "I'm tired. I can't go to Alli's." "Kristen stop." I close my eyes and take a nap at the counter.

"Guess who's here?!" Charles yells in my ear. "Screw you." I push him away and stand up. I stretch and grab my bags. "Have fun." Charles says hugging me. "I won't." I say walking out the door to Alli's car. "Hey Kristen." Alli says opening the trunk. "Hi." I sigh and put my bag in the back. "Ready to go?" I nod and we get in the car. "Hi sissy." Anna says waving. "Hi." I smile at them then rub my eyes. "Did you just wake up?" Alli asks, pulling out of the drive way. "Yea. I fell to sleep on the counter." She laughs and keeps driving. "I have something to show you after dinner..." I say looking over at her. "Ok, is it good or bad?" "I don't really know... I'm thinking it's both." She shrugs and we arrive at her house.

"What's for dinner?" I ask when I sit at the table between the twins. "Your favorite, tacos." I smile and get a plate for me. "Here you go." She gives me a shell with beef, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and sour cream. "Thanks." I sit down and start eating. "Mommy! Hungry!" Chaz screams as he drops his milk. I cover my ears and Alli picks it up. "Thanks Chaz." I say glaring at him. After we all eat, Alli puts the twins to bed and sits across from me. "So what did you wanna show me?" I take out my phone and go into the voicemails and pull up my dad's voicemail. "Well here, listen." I hand her my phone and she listens to the voicemail. She hands me my phone and covers her mouth. "That's your father?" I nod and lock my phone. "Well what are you going to do?" "I'm going to see him, this Wednesday at Taco Bell with Charles... Do you wanna come?" Alli nods and comes over to me. "Of course I will come. What if he wants to take you from us?" "He won't, Charles even said he won't let it happen." Alli hugs me and cleans the table. "What time are you going?" "6:30ish." Alli nods and cleans all of the plates. "I'm going to my room. Call if you need anything." I say and I walk to my room. Chico follows me and I close the door. I lay on my bed and text Avery. I tell her about my dad and everything. She told me it's best to go see him with Charles and Alli. I lay down with Chico and watch movies till it gets late. I cuddle with Chico and slowly fall asleep.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. I got the idea when I was in the car with my dad when I thought of it. Ideas? Message me or comment on this chapter. Vote and tell your friends! Xoxo

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