Waking Up For Happy Change

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Katy's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes from the sound of my alarm. I groan in complaints. "Damn it . . . . " I mumbled as I rolled to my side, feeling around my nightstand to find my alarm then pressed the snooze button. As soon the music stopped, I yawned and rolled back over to my other side and try to go back to sleep.

I was close to sleep again, then my phone goes off. "Whaaat?" I whined as I reached under my pillow to grab my phone and see who's calling. "Dante" came across the screen. I smiled softly and answered the call. "You have reached the voice mail box of Katy Ling. I'm sorry, but I couldn't pick up the phone right now cause I'm sleeping," I giggled tiredly, "Please leave a message after the beep." I pressed a number to resemble the 'Beep'.

I heard Dante chuckling. "Hey, babe," he played along, "I just want to give you a call to remind ya to wake up, cause today is the big day!"

I struggled to hold back my laughter, but it stopped when Dante say 'the big day'.


What day is this again? With working on so many hours, I forgot to keep track of the dates.

I sat up and looked at the calendar across my room. I saw a red circle around a date. I looked at my phone to see what the date is.

"October 19th 2015" It says.

I looked back at my calender then got up, walking to it since I can't see it that well. The red circle is on the 19th and has the word 'Moving' inside. Then I remembered. Today is the day I'm moving out of my parents' place and move into Dante's apartment. I smiled. I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Katy? You okay, baby?" Dante said in wonder.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why?" I asked.

"Cause you didn't respond back."

"Sorry. Just woken up." I yawned then stretched out my back. 2 crunch noise and 3 loud snaps came from my spine. "Ouch," I grunted in pain.

"You okay, babe?" Dante asked again.

I finish stretching then stood up strait. "Yeah. Stretching my back."

"Snapping and popping again?"


I heard my boyfriend chuckle. "Well, when you come home, I can give you a back massage," He said flirty as he always does.

I couldn't help but giggle, knowing what he's thinking. "Maybe. I still have to finish packing the final bags for moving, and I gotta see my friends for a party at noon, then I have to go to work tonight."

I could easily sense Dante smiling. "Okay. Just don't work too hard, babe. I'll see you when I can. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too. See ya when I get out of work."

After that, I hung up and started to head to the kitchen, putting Dante's sweater on me in-case my dad is awake. I could hear the television on from the other side of my room. I took a breath and opened my door and head out to the kitchen.

As soon as I got out, I saw my father snoring on the couch. I sigh with a growl. "Figure so." I mumbled as I walked to the table to turn off the TV then grabbed his drink, taking a whiff on what he drank. A strong sent of whisky mix with coke in it. Another sigh with a growl as I took the cup into the kitchen and tossed it into the sink. Once again in a year, my father didn't bother to do the dishes while I'm asleep for work. "Of course he didn't do them," I mumbled softly and pour myself a cup of coffee and put some cream in it.

Many people like to have hot coffee when they wake up, but I'm wired. I like mine cold.

I stood against the counter, taking a drink from my mug then sat it down to go back in my room to get my laptop to play music. I can't stand working or do anything in silents. Even when my father is snoring. I'm going to pity my mother after I leave this place.

Since I don't know how long, but I notice it after my brothers passed away two years ago, my father never pitch in doing the chores. At least not like the everyday ones.

Before I got my job working in a store, I would have to get the dishes done every week and do the chores before Mom gets home. Only because I know that she would not be a happy camper for that. And who will get yelled at for not doing them?


Now she won't do that cause I'm leaving this hellish place that I once called home. It never was home till Dante and I were in a relationship in 2 months. I knew then that he was the one for me. He always stay by my side and I never loved any other man like I do for him. Plus, when ever I'm in his arms, I feel home inside them. Since I felt that, the home I was living in for 19 years never felt like home again. It lost it's touch from other things after I graduated from high school. But I'm not going into details on that.

After I got my laptop and turned it on and play the last play list I was listing to the other day. In the End by Black Veil Brides played. I smiled for loving that song as I go to the fridge to get some eggs then go to the stove to get a pan out, setting it on the oven to make my breakfast.

When I got my food made and ate, I went to do my choirs before getting ready for the party that my friends is throwing for another friend's birthday.

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