Chapter 31

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author's note
sorry for not updating in so long! i have been soo busy :((( im also not quite sure where to take the story from now on, so if you have suggestions id greatly appreciate them all!! (i do have ideas but im scared you guys wont like them) im also going to try mark's pov, please let me know if you would like more of them or not!

Mark's POV:
I sadly sighed when (y/n) and I separated for the night. I meant to tell her, but was way too afraid. She was already stressed and I did not want to make it worse. She was my only friend here anyways, I couldn't risk losing this friendship. I shouldn't tell her the letter on my wrist is the same that starts her name. She shouldn't be reminded of the fact that Taehyung might not be her soulmate. After all, it seemed like they had to be each other's soulmates. I silently walked home, so completely conflicted on what to do. The second I entered my room, I turned on my laptop to check if Jackson was online. I smiled when I saw the little green dot next to his name. Since the time zone difference between South Korea and Hong Kong was so much smaller than the difference between California and Hong Kong, we were more likely to be online at the same time. I hit the facetime button next to his name and waited only two rings.

"Mark!" Jackson excitedly screamed, his smiling face appearing on my laptop.
"Jackson!" I mockingly screamed back, quietly laughing. It had only been a day or two since I last texted him, yet he was acting as if years have passed since we last talked.
"What's up?" He asked after he was done pouting and laughing at my reaction.
"I'm confused." I awkwardly laughed as he confusedly looked at me. "That whole soulmate thing makes no sense!"
"Oh! Does this have to do with that girl that became your friend? The one that speaks English, right? You said she's the only one in school that talks to you." Jackson guessed, a little spark of playfulness and hope in his eyes. Meanwhile I looked at him in slight annoyance, he talked so much and was so loud.
"Her name is (y/n)." I responded after he was done ranting.
"And?" Jackson pressed, cutting me off. "What's wrong? What letter is on her wrist? What do you have again?"
"Stop cutting me off." I whined while he pouted at me.
"But you're not telling me everything!" Jackson tried using aegyo while I rolled my eyes. He had cut me off again.
"It's weird and complicated, just listen. But just so you don't ask again, I have a (f/i) on my wrist." I showed Jackson my arm while continuing, "(y/n) has a T on her wrist."
"Okay, and? What's confusing? It doesn't match." Jackson quickly spoke, clearly trying not to annoy me any further.
"It's not about me... Kim Taehyung-" I started but was cut off by Jackson again.
"The boy that hates you for no reason, right?" Jackson giggled and wrote air quotes with his hands while saying 'no reason,' where I simply nodded in response.
"Well everyone thinks he and (y/n) are soulmates, he has her initial too, but (y/n)'s world didn't change after they kissed. Only Taehyung's did." I laughed a bit seeing Jackson's confused look.
"That doesn't make sense..." Jackson trailed off.
"I know that's why I'm asking you about it, for (y/n)." I paused, "But it seems like you don't know either."
"Well there's this one similar myth I know..." Jackson paused and I waited in silence for him to continue. "There's a myth that someone could have multiple soulmates." Jackson laughed and looked me straight in the eyes, "You should kiss (y/n)!"
"What!?!" I yelled back, the loudest I have ever spoken in a long time as my face turned a bright red.
"She could be like one of those really rare people that have two soulmates!" Jackson explained, practically begging me to listen to him.
"What?" I rubbed my forehead in annoyance, sighing. "Our initials don't even match. She has a T."
"Tuan." I rolled my eyes as he spoke, "You are Mark Tuan, like with a T."
"That's my last name, Jackson. Not my first." I heard him laugh, making me look at my laptop to see his smiling face. "I'm not that dumb and oblivious. I sort of know about the soulmate thing."
"I never told you this but for names like yours, where it's first name, last name, your soulmate usually takes the initial of the last name since it's like in the spot where first names are supposed to be." Jackson giggled like a little boy, "You could he (y/n)'s secondary soulmate!"
"Okay now you're making this all up." I laughed, "It makes no sense."
"It's a possibility!" Jackson's hyena laugh rang through the air. "Anything could happen!"
"Why is Taehyung's world the only one that changed?" I asked, hoping he'd get back to rational thinking.
"Anything could happen!" Jackson giggled again. "You know, maybe, one of them lost their actual soulmate."
"What?" I looked at him still confused, was Jackson drunk or something?
"Well you know how people can die when they are young and stuff. But their soulmate can still live without them. I've heard of people who lose their soulmate then get a replacement soulmate!" I looked at Jackson, not believing him. "It's true!" Jackson yelled, trying to convince me. "Maybe Taehyung lost his soulmate so got (y/n) as a replacement. That would explain why her world didn't change."
"It does?" My eyebrows furrowed together as I didn't understand how this would all connect.
"How dumb are you Mark?!" Jackson whined, throwing his head up in frustration. "I'll explain it again. Taehyung had his original soulmate, who's name started with a(n) (f/i). But this soulmate died, so he got a replacement, probably (y/n). However (y/n) has her original soulmate, who is probably still alive. Therefore (y/n) technically didn't meet her actual soulmate, so her world hasn't changed. But Taehyung's changed because (y/n) is now his soulmate." My mouth opened in clarity as I finally undertstood. Jackson laughed before continuing, "But this is all just what probably is happening. They could just not be soulmates."
"Thanks Jackson." I sarcastically smiled.
"If I were you I'd still kiss (y/n)." Jackson smiled as I now blushed."Taehyung, or even (y/n), could be lying! They could not be soulmates at all!"
"Our initials don't match!" I whined, "It's not happening."
"T for Tuan!" Jackson giggled as I glared at him before quietly saying, "T for tuna!"
"Bye Jackson!" I sighed before ending the call, not letting him say anything else.

All of this didn't make sense, I didn't want any of them to actually be true. Another sigh escaped my mouth as I sat there deep in thought. Maybe I wouldn't tell (y/n) what Jackson said. He could be lying or it could not apply to them. My mind swirled into a deep void of thoughts about this issue. One main question burned my mind, What if (y/n) and Taehyung weren't actually soulmates? Every time that question popped up, I disregarded it, there is no way Jackson was right. I don't want to break (y/n)'s heart with this information. For now, I'll just pretend Jackson was too busy to talk to me.

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