Chapter 35

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author's note!
i can't believe this is the last chapter already! im going to miss all of you amazing people so much! i hope you continue to support me because i love you all so much! you all really made me so happy every time i was sad! thank you so much! i hope to keep writing to make you all happy too! i might be crying right now thinking about ending this story. i'll see you in my next story! i haven't decided if i should write a mark fanfic first or 2jae or markson because i have so many ideas! i do plan on making a got7 themed fanfic next with a few special appearances from bts members but let me know if you'd prefer something else! there's also a time skip to around christmas time and bts is band on tour right now in the story!

(y/n)'s POV:
A sting of sadness shot through me when I ended the facetime call. I should be proud of Taehyung and all of BTS. Being idols is an amazing feat, they are all so talented and deserve to be on their world tour right now. But I resented the idea of having a boyfriend so goofy, silly, handsome, and funny that girls from all over the world want him to be theirs. I hate being alone until he's back. Only four more days, I reminded myself as I sighed and shut my eyes. Four days and he'll be back to hangout with me again. Until he has another busy schedule.

I pulled his stuffed animal lion closer to my body, it being his temporary replacement. Despite promising him so many times, I just couldn't stop myself from crying every so often. It's not the same without his rectangular smile or absurd worries or hilarious mistakes. Even though he's only been gone for a little over a month, I can't count the amount of times I've fallen asleep while crying.

I woke up the next morning, just like most of the others without Taehyung, pretending everything was fine. Luckily, Mark was still here. Or at least I thought, for the first time I can think of, he hasn't responded to any of my texts yesterday or even this morning. It's not like him to be like this. Maybe something came up, I reassured myself, it is the holiday season after all. I started to get ready for my extra classes this afternoon because I needed something, anything, to fill up my holiday break time and studying a bit more didn't hurt. I checked my phone one more time before heading out the door, still no response from Mark. What could possibly be making him so busy?

I walked to my first extra class of today all alone, no sign of Mark at all and still three days until the BTS boys return. Only three more days I have to endure. Class zoomed by and before I knew it, it was already break time and my first extra class for today was over. I checked my phone and smiled to see a message from Mark. Sorry I can't go to class today. Meet me at the park at 19:00. After sending back a really quick response, I put my phone away. At least I'd have something to do to kill more time until Taehyung comes back.

My last class ended at 18:20, giving me just enough time to stop by my house, drop off my school things, and start going to the park. I kicked pebbles on my walk over there, thinking about how quickly time has past. I can't even positively remember when Taehyung officially asked me out or became a trainee. It couldn't have been more than a year ago yet it felt like three years have past since we were just confused about everything in life. My walk to the park quickly passed by as I contemplated how much time has past.

When I arrived at the park, Mark was already there waiting for me at the usual spot we meet up at. A smile formed on his face as he saw me. He started giggled when I responded to his smile with a confused look. Why was he so happy right now?

"Guess what I got you!" He beamed, a smile brightening the dimming atmosphere around us.
"I don't know." I paused, trying to think of why'd he'd get me something today. My birthday is still pretty far away. Christmas is a little over a week away. (fun fact! my birthday is one week and one day before Christmas heheheh) There's nothing really special about today. "Why get me something today?"
"You're no fun with this game!" He whined, a pout forming on his face. "After I went through all of the trouble to get you something today."
"Hey, that was your decision." I giggled, "I didn't ask you to get me anything. You could just save this for a Christmas gift or something."
"No I can't wait." Mark tapped my nose, "This gift is too special for you. Trust me, you don't want me to wait to give you this one."
"What even is this extremely special gift?" I sarcastically responded, actually interested in whatever Mark could have gotten me that had taken a whole day of preparation.
"I couldn't bring it here, we have to go to it." He explained as he began to walk away, me trailing behind him. "This gift came all the way from America."
"And it is....." I stopped, waiting for him to fill in the blank.
"A surprise!" Mark laughed before covering my eyes with his hand, "Now, no peeking until we're there! This has to be a surprise.'

I simply sighed as Mark led me through the streets, really curious about what the gift could possibly be. What could he have gotten me all the way from America? I was so relieved when Mark told me we were there, I silently stood there, with my eyes still covered as I heard a door in front of me open. Then before I knew it, I was pulled into a warm embrace. My eyes flew open and before I could even see anything, I was crying. I didn't need to see to know. Taehyung was back. His warm scent was completely surrounding me as his arms remained wrapped around me. My mind was filled with so many questions that I just ignored. All that mattered was that Taehyung was here, he is back. I looked at him in disbelief when we pulled away from the hug, rubbing the tears out of my eyes. Taehyung quickly thanked Mark before pulling me inside and we both sat down on the couch in his living room. He then pulled me into a loose hug on the couch and I happily was enveloped by his warmth and comfort.

"H-How?" I mumbled, words seeming to fail me as I buried my face into Taehyung's shoulder. "You're early..."
"I have my ways." He laughed, a laugh deeper than I remembered and different than how my phone speaker replayed it. "I missed you..." He trailed off as he began to smooth my hair down.
"I missed you too." I snuggled closer to him, "More than you could imagine. How did you even get here early? What about the rest of your concerts?"
"Man, Suga was right." Taehyung giggled, "You didn't really care to keep with with the BTS news did you?"
"I'd rather not be surrounded of all the crazy fan girl comments. 'Taehyung-oppa! I love you! I'm your real soulmate!" I jokingly said in the highest pitched voice I could.
"Woah, woah, woah." Taehyung clutched at his heart, acting utterly shocked. "Did you just call me oppa?!?!" He paused as I began to blush, "Did you just say you loved me?" I didn't respond so he kept on teasing me, "Did one of the crazy fans switch you out?" He grabbed my face and began to inspect every detail. "Was I fooled?"
"Hey!" I laughed, pushing him slightly away as he got closer and closer, blush still prominent on my face. "What are you even doing? It's me!"
"Wow! Whoever you are, you are perfectly acting like my (y/n)." He looked at me in shock again.
"You know it's me!" I giggled.
"Sure I do." Taehyung sarcastically responded, earning a light hit on his shoulder.
"Wow..." I shook my head, pretending to be really disappointed. "What am I going to do with you?"
"Come with me on amazing dates all the time, hang out with me, go to the arcade together, watch movies with me, maybe even come with me for the end of this tour..." Taehyung trailed off, looking at me.
"What?" I looked at him in complete confusion, I knew his idol life. He wasn't supposed to be dating anyone. His siblings worriedly told me many times, everyone who knew had to pretend they didn't and we couldn't really go on regular dates anymore. But most of all his company couldn't know about this at all. "Won't you get in trouble?"
"When have I ever not gotten in trouble?" Taehyung smiled at me, as if that could get rid of my confusion and worry.
"I couldn't risk your career like that." I countered, "For me, just being around you is perfect enough."
"Well, not for me." I swear I could see a sparkle in Taehyung's eyes. "I want the whole world to know you, how beautiful and amazing and adorable you are. I want all the crazy fan girls to know you have my heart. I don't want to have to leave you behind again, hide you, pretend you aren't as special to me as you are."
"I wish it could be like that too." I sighed, "I wish you didn't have to go off again."
"You know, I do have two tickets to Thailand." Taehyung smiled at me, "They'll get me and one person to Thailand just in time for my last performance on this tour."
"You don't actually, do you?" Curiosity sparked in my voice.
"You'd only be gone for three days, if you wouldn't mind spending that much time around me." I looked at Taehyung in disbelief, "The only requirement would be that you'd have to stand on stage with me during one of the songs."
"And if I didn't want to?" I tempted, how much could I ruin his career by revealing myself?
"Mark bought the tickets, so it'd just go to him." Taehyung giggled, "I'm pretty sure he has a friend that lives in Thailand so if you don't want it...." Taehyung pulled me into another warm hug, kissing the top of my head. "But I'd much rather go with you."
"I can imagine." I giggled, leaning back against him.
"Your parents already approved." His whispered, resting his head on top of mine. "Me having you as a girlfriend couldn't possibly ruin BTS as much as you worry it would. Especially since I love you so much and you're so beautiful and amazing." He paused to sigh, "I don't think I could handle much more time apart from you. There were so many crazy fan girls," Taehyung began to mumble, "all of them just made me miss you more. Any one of them that even slightly resembled you, made me more homesick than I could imagine. The ones that faked being my real soulmate almost made me cry. None of them were you. Not a single one was even close." I could hear his voice begin to shake a little bit, "Please, don't make me go alone. I don't care about the company or my reputation nearly as much as I care about being with you. I love you more than anything else this world has to offer."

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