24- "I'm truly gonna miss you guys."

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24- “I'm truly gonna miss you guys.”


“Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Irfan Hussain Ahmed and I'm sitting at the heart of Manhattan- The New York central park, along with my friends, Natasha and Vansh. Today we've gathered here for a picnic and also to bid farewell t—”

Natasha let out a loud groan, rolling her eyes at Irfan. “I'm out!”

Irfan started arguing on cutting off his speech while I convinced Natasha to come back as she started leaving. As Irfan stated, we were at the Central park, one of the most well known parks around the world and the biggest one in New York. Right now, we were at this location called the Great lawn, which was a large green patch of grass with thick trees circling the corners. Aside from the usual garden, the park bore various attractions which included a castle, a  zoo, boating, Shakespeare garden, carousel ride and many others. The park was just too big to be explored in a few hours itself so we decided to visit limited places.

After riding the carousal and exploring the Belvedere castle, we gathered for a late afternoon snack, or to put it precisely— My farewell party. Initially, I decided to give treat in my apartment but then Irfan reminded me of a promise that the three of us made, a while back— A second visit to New York. This time, with proper planning, money and enough time in our hands. That's where we were right now.

Natasha agreed after we convinced her for a while. We sat in a circle with a mat in the middle, that bore various delicacies kept in lunch boxes and wraps. Pores of sunlight poured between the branches of the tree with it's shadow cast upon the grass. It was a warm summer afternoon accompanied by a cool breeze.

Irfan continued where he left off, talking about how glad he was to chance upon me, work with me and be part in some of my pranks because he got the chance to play the revenge card. He will miss the times when we hung out on Friday nights sometimes along with the man- to- man time we spent together. He then surprised me with a rectangular shaped gift, of the size of my palm. “It's an insightful book on modern architecture. Hopefully this will help you in the future.”

“Thanks for being a lame ass spoilsport.”

“No problem, bro,” Irfan said, unfazed by my sarcasm. He surprised us again by drawing out another gift box of the exact same size from his bag, and gave it to Natasha. “Yeah, I know you still have two more months here but I couldn't help it. Probably because it will be the last week with the three of us together.”

“Oh,” Her mouth formed an o. “Thanks, I guess.”

Irfan smiled at her before reverting back to the glass of drink he was holding. There was a pin drop silence between us. Not because we had nothing to say but Irfan had something to say. It looked like that, from the way he looked down, rotating his glass against his palm.

“Should we close our eyes in case you're embarrassed?” I intervened.

Natasha chuckled, “Bet he's mustering up the courage to confess to you, naked. The moment has arrived at last.” She raised a fist and hit Irfan on the back.

“Shut up! I do have something to confess but not to him,” he turned to Natasha, “to you.”

I whistled, “A twist in the story.”

“Actually I —”

“If you say you're in love with me, I'm going to kill you.”

“I love you, Nata— Ow, ow, I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Let me have this meal atleast,” Irfan pleaded, stopping Natasha from twisting his arm. “And why the hell are you hitting me too?!” he smacked me.

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