28- "You'll always be the one who got away."

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[A/N- Since I need perspectives of multiple people, I decided to write this chapter in third person point of view. Enjoy!]

28- “You'll always be the one who got away.”

“It's good that all of us got together in this nice weather, isn't it?”

Leave it upto Vansh to come up with some of the dumbest starting lines. 'Seriously, dude? Weather?' he questioned mentally. In order to hide his lameness, he smiled and continued to wear that smile like a joker.

Ahana bursted out laughing.

In order to continue being feeble, Vansh laughed along until he knew he had to stop, “Okay, you can stop laughing. I admit that was a lame thing to say.”

“No, no!” Ahana sharply denied. “The weather is nice! It was bloody hot in the afternoon but now it's not. It gets cooler in the evening.”

“That's sounds even more pathetic than what I said.”

“That's why I said it.”

“Then let's make it more pathetic, shall we?”

The laughs both of them were suppressing in their tight lipped mouths, erupted as they laughed to their hearts content. Why they were laughing exactly? Vansh had no idea. All he knew that he was loving to be in this limited passage of time. The face Ahana made right now was far better than the one he saw at the door. He may have wanted to talk to her, hug her and what not, but for tonight, these few seconds were enough for his heart. Enough to sleep with a smile on his face.

The rest of the group returned soon after, and had a chatty dinner together. Lisa and Ahana left to stay at Ahana's apartment for the night while Pragya and Dhruv stayed at Vansh's. Everyone was pumped up for the road trip tomorrow and the surprises it held for them.


After a random game of rock/ paper/ scissors, it was decided that Vansh would drive first. The group were set for a long journey with their attractive summer casuals and sunglasses. Pragya didn't reveal their destination obviously but she instructed Vansh to drive out of Delhi so that was a start. After a while into the highway, they realized they were heading somewhere via Agra, where Taj Mahal was. Pragya denied going there as it would take a whole day to roam there and they didn't have much time.

“Maybe this place we are going to, has a deadline,” Lisa spoke after sometime which got their brains rolling.

“I get it. It's a surprise bachelor party to a surprise wedding.”

“No, concert.”

“Inauguration party?”

Shamshaam ghat (Haunted place).”

Pragya, who was seated next to Vansh in the front, let out a sinister laugh at their guesses. “Didn't it enter your minds that I could take you on a resort, too? Most probably, I had booked it for a limited amount of time which might be why I'm telling you guys to hurry.”

“Don't tell me I came all the way from Chandigarh to Delhi, to an unknown destination for a fucking resort?” Dhruv added, angrily.

“I meant that for staying purposes, you blockhead.” She then turned to Vansh. “And what does Shamshaam ghat has to do with timeline?”

“Haven't you heard that there are more paranormal activity during full moon or no moon? I thought something like that.” The group laughed at that, commenting on Vansh watching too many horror movies. He then added. “You know, I'm starting to like this guessing game. I don't think I ever went on a trip where I didn't know my destination before. Good one, Pragya. It's safe to say that you have successfully inherited my DNA.”

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