Chapter One

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It was a quiet morning, like usual, I was sitting in the living room, waiting for my mom to come downstairs so she could take me to school... School... Good lord, I hate that place more than anything. Don't get me wrong, I love learning, I love studying and gaining knowledge. The reason why I hate it? The people. Of course, I have a few friends, but everyone else are just assholes. 

Every morning, I woke up already dreading what the day had in store for me. Yesterday, it was the teachers yelling at me for no reason. I think I'm a good student. I am... I have all A's, maybe some B's and C's here and there, I'm not perfect, I know that. I try my hardest to do well, but the people around me are a distraction. 

I sighed, shifting my position on the couch, scrolling through twitter. I decided to check facebook, so I closed out of the twitter app and opened facebook. Waiting patiently for it to load, I heard my mom's voice as she came down the stairs. "Ready?" She asked, before I could respond, something caught my eye. 

A new friend request? I raised a brow and clicked on it. The person the request was from caused my stomach to drop. "Hey, Y/N? Are you ready? Let's go, you're gonna be late." My mom said, now standing in front of me. I looked up at her and nodded, locking my phone and standing up, slipping it into the back pocket of my jeans. I grabbed my backpack and put it over my shoulder, heading towards the door. 


Once we pulled into the school's parking lot, I sighed and my mom looked at me, putting her hand on mine; she smiled. "Don't let people get to you. You'll be done with school before you know it." She assured me. I looked at her and forced a smile. "Have a good day, okay?" She moved her hand and I grabbed my bag off the floor of the car and got out, shutting the door and waving to her before I headed towards the doors crowded by people. 

I kept my head low, avoiding eye contact, I heard a voice from behind me, calling out my name. I lifted my head and turned around and saw my best friend, smiling at the sight of her. "Hi Somin." I said when she got closer. 

"Did you hear about Jimin and his girlfriend?" She asked, I bit the inside of my cheek, remembering the friend request I got earlier on facebook. Fuck. 

"No, what happened?" I asked, heading through the doors of the school. 

"Jimin broke up with her last night, said they weren't working out because he's young and doesn't want to be tied down with a chick just yet, when really, he cheated on her." Somin explained, I nodded slowly as I listened to her words. 

"That's messed up. How do you know he cheated?" I looked at her. 

"It's Jimin, he's a player. He's hot though, so-"

"Just because he's hot doesn't make it okay for him to do that." I interrupted her, looking away. 

"I didn't say it was okay." 

"You were going to." I snapped, looking at her once again. She pouted her lip, I didn't even realize how loud I had raised my voice which drew attention from other students until I heard another voice. 

"Is everything okay Ladies?" A male asked, I looked towards my right and saw him, followed by two other guys, Taehyung and Jungkook. I took a deep breath and nodded once, looking away. 

"Jimin! We were just talking about you." Somin said with a smile, I looked at her and rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest. Why was she like this? She's my best friend, and I love her, but she always flirted with guys who played with girls feelings, she's been hurt countless times, but didn't ever stop. In fact, I thought she was starting to turn into a player herself. Now, she was just hooking up with guys, any guy who showed her attention. 

"You were, huh?" Jimin asked, running his fingers through his black hair, pushing it back and away from his face. He stared at Somin with a smirk on his face. Even though my eyes were focused on the floor beneath me, I could feel his stare land on me. "What were you guys saying?" 

"Nothing." I shut him down quicker than anything. It was an immediate response, no time for Somin to say anything. Jimin and his two friends looked at me, along with Somin. I sighed and looked at my friend. "I gotta get to class." I mumbled and stepped in between Jimin and Somin, causing Jimin to step out of the way as I started to walk away from them. 

"What's her problem?" Jungkook asked, the four of them were staring at me and watching as I walked down the hall. 

"She's always like this..." Somin responded. Jimin kept his eyes on me, while the other three looked away and went about their own business. The bell rang and everyone in the school lobby parted ways and went to their classes.

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