Chapter Twelve

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No matter how many times I asked Jimin where he was taking me, his responses were always "You'll see", "We're almost there", "It's a surprise"... I was beyond curious at this point. Now, we've been walking for almost an hour and my feet were starting to hurt. "How much further, Jimin? My feet hurt." I whined. 

"Your feet already hurt? With all the walking you do, I'm actually surprised." He said, looking back at me. He was ahead of me, leading the way and I was falling behind due to my legs getting tired and my feet starting to hurt. "Come on Princess, you can go a bit further. It's right up here, but you gotta close your eyes when we turn the corner cause it's right there." He smiled. I groaned tiredly and jogged to catch up with him. "Do your feet really hurt?" He looked at me as I walked by his side. I nodded and looked at him as he stepped in front of me and bent down a bit. I raised a brow, not saying anything. "Get on." He demanded but his tone was sweet. 


"Your feet hurt, right? I can carry you, just get on." He laughed softly. I hesitated. Couple stuff. I put my hands on his shoulders and jumped on to his back, wrapping my arms around his chest. He put his hands under my legs and smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" 

"That took a lot of effort." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes playfully. 

"Oh, I bet it did." He responded. I giggled softly as he continued to walk. Every time I was starting to slide down, he would jump slightly to lift me up again. As we neared the corner, he spoke. "Okay, you gotta close your eyes now." He said and I did what he wanted, shutting my eyes. I put my head on my arm and pretty much nuzzled the side of his neck. "Are they closed?" He asked and I hummed, letting him know they were closed. 

Soon enough, he stopped and put me down. "Keep them closed." He said as he took my hand and opened the door to the building. As soon as the door was open, I could smell something sweet. A bakery? Why would he bring me to a bakery? Wait... there was a hint of a coffee smell. As we walked in, he lead me in, I had to keep my eyes closed until he told me otherwise. 


"Not yet, keep them closed." He said cutely. Stop that. I sighed and tilted my head back as he continued to lead me through the building. Finally, he stopped and put his hand on my shoulders, sitting me down. Once he sat down, he spoke. "Okay, you can open your eyes." He smiled. 

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was confused at first but then I realized. "A coffee shop?" I asked and he nodded, smiling widely. His eyes were squinted... there's that damn eye smile again. "How did you know I even like coffee? Maybe I hate coffee." I folded my arms over my chest, staring at him. 

He rested his elbow on the table and put his chin in his hand, looking at me. "Well, they have stuff other than coffee you know." He giggled. "And I know you like coffee because Somin told me, so don't pull that 'I don't like coffee' stuff with me, missy." He narrowed his eyes at me. 

I could feel my cheeks heating up, I knew I was starting to blush, I quickly looked away and pulled my hoodie sleeves over my hands and put my elbows on the table, resting my head in my hands. "Have you ever been here?" He asked, to which I responded with a head shake, telling him no. "I swear, they have the best coffee in Seoul." I could feel his stare was still on me but I wasn't even looking at him. 

"So... is this like a date or something?" I asked after a few seconds before finally looking at him. 

"Do you want it to be a date?" 

I glared playfully. "Don't answer a question with another question, Park Jimin." 

"Then yeah, it's a date." He shrugged his shoulders. I nodded once and looked away again. "What kind of coffee do you want? I'll go order it." He said as he stood up. 

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