Chapter Fifteen

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It was early in the morning, around 7:00AM. I was standing in the kitchen, talking on the phone with Jimin, making myself some food to eat while I waited for him. He had just left his house and called to tell me he was on his way, but somehow, we picked up a conversation and couldn't stop talking. 

"Did you ask your mom about Mong yet?" 

"Not yet, she's not home yet." I said as I pulled my phone away from my ear to look at the time before I replaced it and held it against my ear with my shoulder. We continued to talk about last night, the coffee date, the fireworks, everything. I had to admit, after last night, my opinion on Jimin had changed even more. I thought he was just a douche bag who used girls for sex, but other than that kiss last night, he hasn't tried anything with me. In fact, I was starting to think he was gonna lose the game. But did I even want it to be a game anymore? Stop. Right now. Don't give into this shit. You signed up for this, you made the rules. If you lose, he wins and that's the end of it. 

I got lost in my thoughts and had ignored everything Jimin said. "Sorry, what was that? I got distracted." I mumbled, blinking a few times as I took a bite of my sandwich and set it on a napkin, on top of the counter as I started to clean up the mess I made. 

"I said, I watched the video of the fireworks you took on my phone and I could hear you whisper "they're so pretty"." He then started laughing and I blushed, opening the fridge and putting everything away. 

"I didn't think you'd be able to hear that." I giggled softly as I heard the front door open. I shut the fridge and walked out of the kitchen. "Hang on, mom just got home." I said to Jimin before I greeted my mom. "How was work?" I asked, turning back into the kitchen and cutting my sandwich in half before I grabbed another napkin and set the other half of the sandwich on the napkin and handed it to my mom as she walked into the kitchen. 

"Tiring." She sighed as she took the half of the sandwich and thanked me. "Do you need me to take you to school? If so, hurry up so I can go to bed." She took a bite of the sandwich and I shook my head at her. 

"No, my friend is coming to walk me to school." I stated. 

"That Jimin guy you told me about?" 

"Oooooh!" Jimin apparently heard my mom's words. 

"Shut up," I mumbled and looked at my mom. "Yeah, I'm talking to him right now." I nodded. "Actually Jimin, I gotta talk to my mom about something, text me when you're here okay? Or if it's cold out like yesterday morning, just walk inside." I assured him. 

"Okey dokey, Princess. See you soon." 

"Bye." I hung up the phone and slipped it into my hoodie pocket, looking at my mom who was staring at me with narrowed eyes and a very... displeased look on her face. "What?" 

"You're not falling for him are you? I know you're hanging out with him alot, but from what I remember on Monday, you saw him in the store and avoided both him and Somin." She mumbled. "And you better not be staying out all night and letting him come over when I'm at work, or I'll have to have your brother start staying the night." 

"No, you are not having Sun-Sin stay the night. He doesn't even like us. In fact, he's on dad's side with the whole robbing us thing. If I see him I will-"

"Stop. That doesn't matter. He's still your brother." My mom hissed and I pursed my lips together, looking away. "Even if he is on your dad's side about it. Just because he has it better than we do, doesn't mean you can talk crap. Which, speaking of, is a habit you really need to break. Keep talking shit about people, it's gonna get you into trouble." 

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