Chapter Three

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Finally, after 5 more hours, school ended. I was still sitting at my desk, trying to figure out if my mom was picking me up or if I needed to walk home. I didn't mind walking home though, it was nice out. It wasn't too cold, or too hot. In fact, it was just right. That's why the fall was my favorite season. It wasn't hot and it wasn't cold. It was right between... Sweater whether, falling leaves. Everything about Autumn was beautiful and... cozy in a way. 

I stared at my phone, watching the three dots as I waited for my mother's reply, she was in the middle of typing back. The Japanese language teacher was ruffling through some papers, that was the only noise i could hear really. Besides him, I was the only other person in the class room. Everyone else had already cleared out. I sighed and locked my phone, standing up and grabbing my bag, walking to my teacher's desk. "Is there anyway I could maybe get extra credit?" I asked, adjusting the strap of my bag so it sat more comfortably against my back. 

The teacher looked up at me and thought for a moment. "Why? You already have good grades, what do you want extra credit for?" I shrugged my shoulders in response. "Just to do it, huh?" He added and I nodded. "Okay. Uh-" He looked around, grabbing the stack of papers he was in the middle of grading. He grabbed  my recent assignment and looked it over. "You could brush up on grammar?" He asked. "You haven't done very well on that lately." He said and I frowned, disappointed in myself. "You still got a good grade, but there are some errors. So brush up on that, write a report in Japanese and hand it in by next Monday?" 

I smiled and nodded. "That works." I agreed, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. I ignored it since I was still talking with my teacher. 

"And if you want, you can come by in the morning and you can work on some of your assignments and redo them, fix your grade before I submit it." He added. 

"Okay, thank you so much." I said, bowing to him. He smiled at me and nodded. 

"No problem. I gotta finish grading these papers, so I'll see you around... 7 tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good." I stood up straight and fixed my bag again. I walked out of the classroom and grabbed my phone, looking at the message from my mom. 

I can't pick you up, you're gonna have to walk. It's busy at the shop, I'm afraid I can't leave.

I simply replied to her with an 'okay' and put my phone away. I walked down the hall, trying to get through the crowd without bumping into anyone. I heard some of the boys play fighting with one another which drew my attention. Taehyung, Jungkook and one other person I didn't know the name of. I looked away before they saw me and continued to go my own way. 

Finally, I made it out of the building and walked through the parking lot, being careful of the cars. "Y/N!!" Somin yelled out from behind me, I turned around to look at her as she ran up to me. "Are you walking home?" I nodded to her and continued to walk. "I can give you a ride if you want." She offered, walking behind me. 

"No, it's fine. I wanna walk." I said quietly. 

"You sound upset with me. Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded, telling her I was fine. "Are you sure? You've passed me multiple times in between classes and didn't say a word. Usually you at least say hi... are you sure you're not upset?" 

"Why would I be upset?" I looked back at her. "You didn't do anything." I shrugged, turning my attention to the front of me again. 

"This morning... you snapped at me and got sassy when Jimin started talking to us." 

"I snapped at you because you were going to stand up for the asshole and say it's okay for him to hurt girls because of his looks." I said quietly. 

"So you are upset." 

"No, I'm not upset, okay?" I stopped walking and turned to look at her. "I'm not upset. I don't like him, and this sudden obsession you have with him and he has with me needs to stop." 

Somin's facial expression softened and she raised a brow, catching on to my words. "He's obsessed with you?" Her voice had a hint of sadness and confusion.

I bit the inside of my cheek and shook my head. "No, not obsessed... He has a sudden interest in me and its making me uncomfortable." Somin kept her eyes locked with mine, obviously waiting for me to explain. I sighed and continued. "This morning, he sent me a friend request on facebook. I declined it. Then after first period, I went to the cafeteria to get a water and he followed me, I think." I shrugged. "Anyway, he told me to add him and I still haven't yet and I probably won't." 

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Somin folded her arms over her chest. 

"Cause I didn't feel like I had to?" I made a face in confusion. 

"I feel like such an idiot now!" She groaned, letting her arms fall to her side. 

"Well, you are trying to hook up with a player, you are an idiot." I mumbled, looking away from her. She glared at me, rolling her eyes. "Look," I said, making eye contact with her again. "If you want him, go for it. But he will hurt you. That's what he does best, all he wants is a way to get his dick wet, so if you wanna be used, be my guest." 

"Why are you so pissed about this?" 

"Because it's fucking stupid. He's stupid and you're just as stupid if you think you'll ever have anything with him." I stared at her, she was clearly upset now. It was painted all over her pretty face.

I watched her as she smiled, but it wasn't real, obviously. "Thanks, Y/N. Makes me feel alot better." She scoffed, her tone made it clear she was pissed.

"I wasn't trying to make you feel better about anything." I kept my cold stare locked on her, pursing my lips in an 'oh well' manner.

"Are you clueless? I was being sarcastic." She squinted her dark brown eyes at me.

"No, I caught that. I'm just saying, if you're looking for someone to lie and tell you"it's okay, he won't hurt you, go ahead", or someone to be there for you when you do get hurt by him, I'm not the person to come to." I shrugged. "I've warned you. You're your own person, you do what you want, but I'm telling you, you will get fucked over. You know how I am, you know I don't sugar code shit." I kept my brown eyes locked on her. 

"Yeah, no kidding." She rolled her eyes and pulled her car keys from her bag. "Well, I'm gonna go. Have fun on your walk." She turned away from me and started to walk, glancing back at me to see if I was going to stop her. I wasn't. I watched her walk off, noticing her look at me. She then shook her head again and her walking turned into a jog as she made it to her car and got in. 

I inhaled sharply and looked around, a few eyes were on me and her, but I didn't care. I turned on my heels and continued to walk home. 

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