Chapter Thirty

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Throughout the whole school day I kept to myself. It was rare when classmates tried talking to me but when they did, I brushed them off by telling them to leave me alone. Through every class, lunch and even gym I ignored everyone. The only time I spoke was when the teacher called on me. Thankfully, school was over for the day. I didn't really want to hang out with Jimin and his friends, I wanted time to myself. But at the same time, I didn't want to be left alone. I was so used to being around them now, it felt weird to be alone. 

In fact.... I kind of missed Jimin today. We don't have any classes together, despite being in the same grade. Now I just wanted to leave and go home, but I'd probably end up sticking with him if they asked me to. Plus, I didn't want to go home and be left alone with my dad and brother. With the attitude my brother gave me this morning, there was no doubt a fight would break out sooner or later, I just wanted to avoid it at all costs. 

But I had homework to get caught up on and I still had that essay to write for Japanese. "So Y/N, what do you wanna do tonight?" Jimin asked as we walked down the street, I was completely spaced out and lost in my thoughts. I shrugged my shoulders in response to him as I kept my gaze to the ground. He furrowed his brows and tilted his head slightly. "Do you want to be alone?" He asked and I just looked at him without saying anything. "If you do, I understand, you don't have to force yourself to be around me." He chuckled. "Just say the word, don't be shy to tell me to leave you alone." He smirked at me. 

I just stared at him with a half smile before I finally looked away and shrugged my shoulders again. "I do want to be alone, but I really don't want to at the same time. Does that make sense?" I hummed, knowing the older was staring at me with confusion painted across his face. I parted my lips to try and explain what I meant, but he spoke before I could. 

"I think I know what you mean. Well, I'll walk you home and then I can go home and if you're up for it, we can hang out later tonight?" He smiled at me. "I think I'm gonna dye my hair anyway." He shrugged. 

"What color?" I looked at him in surprise. 

"Not sure yet. I might just do blonde." He giggled cutely. I stared at him, trying to picture what he would look like with blonde hair, but I just couldn't see it. I nodded once and looked ahead of us as we continued to walk to my house. 

A/N: Sorry for not updating, I hit writer's block which explains why this chapter is so short and shitty :( i just really wanted to update, ive been stressing over this because i know you guys really like this fanfic and it has so many reads (thank you for 6K reads btw) and i dont want to abandon it for over a month like i did before, but i also dont want to force myself to write because i feel like ill just mess everything up. so please be patient with me until i get over this block :) it happens quite often :/ but! even though halloween is passed, IM STILL GOING TO WRITE ABOUT JIMIN, Y/N AND THE OTHERS. because halloween is literally my fav. i tried my hardest to write and get caught up to the halloween part so i COULD publish on halloween but that just didnt happen. with the block and being really busy lately, it's hard. 
 i dont want to publish random parts explaining why i havent updated, so if you wanna stay posted on when im going to update/why i havent, feel free to follow my instagram! eclipso.edits (yes im also an editor) i plan on doing a few things there that revolve around this fanfic but idk if i will, so im not saying when its going to be done, or if im even going to do it at all, right now theyre just ideas. but yeah, feel free to follow me there. i usually post on my story and say when im updating and what not :) 

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